🔵 [Sept 16, 2020] Trials of Survival -- Guide, Sharing & Discussion!

My team this time:

  • Domitia +18
  • Azlar 4^80
  • Grimm +16
  • Little John +20
  • Brynhild 4^70

Grimm is up 5 talents, but otherwise, I’m letting it ride with the same team from last time.

The mob waves went pleasantly well, as most of their damage seemed focused on Grimm, Brynhild, and Azlar, meaning I was able to heal it with Brynhild. That wasn’t the case last time. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged and yellow (for clearing away junk) and blue diamonds on the board. The bosses flipped the script and went after LJ with their first three or four regular attacks, so I had to dig into the healing potions at first. Focused on Azlar with the first round of specials, but that blue diamond really put Nashgar in a world of hurt, so I switched to him when Domitia recharged and killed him. I think he fired once, but Brynhild’s special skill shield is super effective against it. Probably should have stayed with Azlar, though, as he fired with his dying breath, leaving three of my heroes in red health and forcing me to use an antidote. With two bosses off the board, though, I decided to just finish Scarlett without more items, since probably Grimm, Brynhild, and Azlar could eventually take her out. Ultimately, she distributed her attacks too much to kill anyone, and despite her dodging an Azlar special (grr), she went down without much trouble.

Emblems take Grimm to +17; like Gormek and LJ, I’ll probably take him all the way to +20, as those last two nodes will help his survivability, and he’s just now becoming fun to use because he doesn’t die so easily. I’m seriously considering stripping my Scarlett +10 and embleming Brynhild as far as I can to try her at tank (per this excellent thread by @JonahTheBard), but I’m a little low on food and iron, having finished HA 10 and trying to upgrade storages and perform the necessary research, so I’m just going to hold the rogue emblems for now. Trainer hero goes to my second Boldtusk, because I am seriously out of red projects.