Seeking Merger ' Clever Alliance Name'

We are very similar to your alliance. Been together for years and just lost members due to retirement. We have 11 openings right now and maybe 12. We have members from 40 to 99. We are active, have fun and could use more players for higher titans and other team activities. No pressure, but do expect you to use all flags in war and hit the titan. Come check us out.
We are The 7empest.
Thanks: Captain Gritt

Another old time playing retired. We now have 12 openings.

The Guardians Family of alliances can take all of you amongst our 8 alliances. We have enough openings that we could keep you all together over two alliances or move everyone to an alliance that fits your level and gameplay. I can pop over for a visit and answer any questions that everyone may have or you can reach me on Line. My Line id is ckara7.

Hi, we have 14 spots at the moment. we don’t stress about the game much, few simple rules, don’t have to join war if you don’t want to. Life comes first . Check Phoenix of the Damned if u wish

If you’re still looking, Wu Let the Dogs Out has 11 spots right now and would save the next 2 seats that open for the rest of your crew. We’re a dedicated group having some trouble with player burnout. Our group is active and friendly and we chain 14s when we have around 25 or more players. Line ID Boggstar if interested.

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