🕵️‍♂️ Season 4 (Voyagers of the Underwild) – FAQ & Links

Thanks I have found it

Province 19 is still ‘Underwater’, would definitely like to see something new already.

Province 20 is also underwater :frowning_face:

Oh damn. The biomes haven’t been updated. Lmao I figured I’d see what that last one’s gonna be…

Where is Season 4 Very Slow Hero at?

Surely they can do better than Alfrike

How many Very Fast 5* out there?

They were so lazy in this season stages it only wasn’t the worst season because S3 blocked stones were way more annoying than something repetitive.

Hope they can do better for S5 because this is outrageous.

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so apparently, with the recent provinces, it is by design that some provinces have mobs with double attack, and also apparently that for some provinces, the attack stats on Normal and on Hard are identical

a warning to all - 34-2 enemies have double the attack of say 34-1. I’ve changed my farming team to bring two healers as a result… and am spanning dragon attacks on the bosses…


Whoever wants to relive the Underwild-story, please see this link: Story Underwild.pdf - Google Drive


Anyone know what we’re going to see for season 4 event now? Will their be any increase in farming opportunity we know of?

There was nothing in Beta.
So most likely this reduced WE cost event will not arrive this time, but I would be happy to be wrong.


I expect a clone of Valhalla Forever

Rumor from Beta shows SGG working out the kinks for Seadragon, Seadragon avatar, then Gnome ( no Gnome avatar for reverse engineering obfuscation )

But if no changes from Gnome, no need to test


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I can understand the complaints around water levels not being a new challenge to solve. I can get behind that a bit. However, the attempted revival of Ursena was part of the s4 storyline, so it also makes sense to have a few underwater levels in terms of the storyline. Just my 2 cents.

Well, no reduced cost, no special creatures. I guess Season 4 is officially dead?

As I’m not working right I am very C2P, so I guess I’ll never see anything S.4 hero. Although I did get a Dr. Moreau today from my final 600 coins.


Does anybody have a screenshot of the loot for finishing S4 hard mode?

Not exactly what you’re asking, but it’s all in the “end of an era” thread

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97 underwild coins, is there way to get more coinage if S4 has been finished and not paying money.

I don’t want to spend money and get another Morris :pensive:

That´s actually a good question. They seem to have been replaced with those Dune coins instead, all across the board. :confused:


Where as the Dunes Coins say this:


Sorry to dissapoint you :hugs:

Here´s to hoping SG makes new ways to obtain these coins, also for S2 and S3. :pray:


Thanks yes it’s a bit of a pain, tbh I really don’t want to buy any underwild coins and I guess I’m not the only one

The next time this portal open there will be a “atlantis rising” event where you will be able to get those missing coins

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But is it coins though? Like S3 it’s not always coins.

I hope so though, thanks.