Not only that, they freaking recycled the same monsters.
And now on to the Dense Fog recycled from S2 as well . How creative
Who loves dense fog? Why did they bring it back? It’s one of the worse mechanics in s2
At least no weak colors.
Is anyone else completely annoyed by the Lagoon effect flashing across the screen repeatedly when you deplete the oxygen bar? Message received the first time, and the second, third, fifth… …
Oh man what the heck are they doing. You had me marginally interested in the newer mechanics of the first few months then you bring back underwater and the most boring slog of The Fog! My god it’s like the timeframe of release was way more important than us actually enjoying the content!
Agree completely @Shadowlander, it’s very annoying to have to wait after every turn to see that yep, you’re still in the lagoon.
You sure
Fire heroes are weak in the under water stages.
And in both (underwater/fog) burn damage doesn’t work crippling many red heroes farther.
Really hate it. Till now S4 was something new with one color weaker and one stronger. With that mechanic it was my favorite season so far. But now they just copy S2 add a disadvantage for one color and no buff to another
Now give them some credit. They made new icon for the effect.
But yeah, underwater and dense fog are two S2 effects I hate the most and they infest damn place even in S4. At least in S2 it was like third of stages, here the underwater caves are nothing but these two effects. Apparently SGG thinks timed missions are fun. I am not.
And yes, you’re going to be there for awhile
@Nightmare2048, the credit for the icon was lost in the fog and is drowning in the lagoon somewhere
Yes but not weak in the following province which is what I was talking about
Sorry, but what do you mean with that? Underwater stages are in all 3 new provinces and they are even the majority.
Or do you mean at least in the fog stages there are no weak colors?
Yes fog doesn’t weaken one color, but on the other hand fog stages are probably the worst, so no need for more disadvantages
And sadly most of the stages are underwater, if I didn’t miscount 22 underwater stages so more than ⅔ of the new stages were red is weaker.
Yay, I can’t wait to see my Atlantis heroes to drown again
Phileas Fogg breathe Dense Fog, Phileas Fogg intelligence score decrease by 1!
They’re repeating map stages effects… from Atlantis. Unbelievable
Not like I was expecting nice and huge gameplay news or improvements but… Really?!
Even sharks and other mobs are already seen before. Looks like all their energies are on making OP heroes and new events.
I miss old good Atlantis days. S3 stones were so annoying and S4 is too boring.
Now being positive… Tower of Magic artwork are pretty.
How far out do we continue to see this biome? I’m more asking to know how quickly should I plan on finishing these avatar missions. When I hear long I think 6+ provinces. Looking at the map I’ll guess we get a new biome at 21: misty tunnels. But if underwater keeps going then
What are Season IV Crystalrocks Map stages?
Province 12 biome effect says that