I can’t beat the bosses people on the game is being mean about it won’t help me or laugh at me I am asking what my team power has to be plaz help and I sent a picture of my heros
I don’t think you stand a chance with your team because of the rainbow formation and because of the heroes’ specials.
Think of the enemy bosses as titans and take either a blue or dark titan team. I easily beat the bosses over 2 years ago with a blue titan team.
As for items, use tornadoes, mana potions and a miracle scroll.Try to bring a healer on your team so that you don’t bring healing potions.
What other heroes do you have?
Hopefully you can find the inspiration you seek here ~
First time completing it, I used a continue, given how much I had already sunk into the level. Today I presume I could do it without so much investment. That and timestops kind of grow on trees these days because I seldom use them.
What is the rest of your roster? Would be better to advise if we can see your full roster