Season 3 Sneak Peek Discussion

And @Rigs I’m hoping it continues that way as well. Games are supposed to get progressively harder and harder. Look at the Tomb raider franchise or Bioshock. As I posted in the beta forum I look foreword to a time where even Gravemaker is no longer considered a powerful hero in this game!!!


I’ve hit a wall, myself.
So much so that I dumped emblems off of Drake to ensure that Shrubbear gets to +20 and I can have a +4 Wonderland bonus on my heroes. Figure that Shrubber keeps the other heroes alive long enough to charge, I’m a happy guy.

Y’know… because it feels I’ll never again summon another 5*.

All I want is a Domitia & Sartana. they have eluded me for over 2 years.


What, fun is ill-advised now? :thinking:


Bjorn looks like he got in the wrong line


I might have to quit sooner rather then later if this is the kind of ideas folks have… I’ve spent enough money over my playing time and continuing paying to stay “competitive” in these games is an endless trap that you either get out of early, escape a bit too late and regret some money spent or you just blow thousands of dollars to be a bit better then someone else… you can have all the best heroes in the game, but if the defenses are so strong they force mono every raid… what’s the point. Hmmm…, I think it’s time for me to do some soul searching here and decide if I want to be a part of this any more.


so who you guys predict that’s going to be the 5* ones?

Idk exactly how i feel about it yet.

I know the constant beg of money from the devs is getting old but i feel like it’s unrealistic or naive of me to expect anything different.

I do like the game getting more and more challenging and more and more competitive

But i don’t like the idea of it getting more and more expensive.

Costumes were a decent idea to help mend the bridge of power creep or at least slow it down. But i think the cost is too high. Feel like the key quest should be at least twice a month. Keys should be able to be dropped from random loot. And the gem cost should be closer or equal to troop cost as far as gems since once you boil it down, all you’re really doing is adding a troop bonus with a special skill change. It’s still the same hero at it’s core.

As far as season 3, i hope they put it off until at least summer of 2020. To give everyone a chance to catch up to it with emblems and costumes before more powerful heroes are cascaded into the game. We still haven’t seen all the new heroes from 2019 yet… So a time sooner than that would be a bit of an overload and the game balance would be more skewed than it already is for quite awhile.

This game wasnt originally intended to be a fast paced dump of new content. And i think the pace it’s taking is only goin to insure the death of it sooner than later.


Björn’s art is very neat, I’d like to see more of it this coming season.

I also liked Heimdall, kvasir (very good) and Ratatoskr.

Fura doesn’t have a bad art, but looks like a generic elf in any game with medieval fantasy aesthetics. Ídem to Sumle.

Stonecleave has a simple art but an interesting concept.

By-Ulf and Tyr have a very “careless”, unfinished look. Although By-Ulf does not offend so much. But Tyr, being the god of war and patron of justice, an important character, bothered me the most, even though the art was inspired by Old Man Logan. They could have done more.

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Looking forward to knowing your specials.


I like Kvasir with all those bees around, but just only one female heroe???

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If it makes you feel better the best heroes in the game are typically females


I think Sumle is a girl too

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I don’t think so… “he” has his right breast without bra! and there is no a feamle brest I think


And shame on everyone for being so closed-minded. We don’t know how many of them are trans.


I’ll add this: Loki turned into a female to give birth. To a horse.


Omg :rofl: :rofl:

I’m dyin

That would make margaret look a whole lot prettier


So that’s where the blunicorn came from… Wonder who gave birth to the chicken

Oh yeah I just noted that, I thought for some reason it was a girl.

Well there is the girl in the sneak peak, that hasn’t been posted yet


Slepnir – the 8 legged horse who carries the fallen warriors to Valhalla:


Nice story bro but i think i like my version better lol

Your version is better than Thomas Beatie’s.

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I really really hope we dont see another bs w/e cost ramp. That’ll suck so bad. Already cant play s2 but once a month. Would suck to have 2 maps we dont play