Saving EHT's for Sand Empire?

I personally prefer Christmas event over sand and Halloween. Landed Santa with a token last year and I will save for it again to have a chance at mother north.

I would love Mother North but I honestly can’t wait 6 months with EHT lol.
Not sure how everyone else can do this, I am just not patient enough. I am sure i will have some more by the time it comes though.

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Ah nice, good to know. More time in July then!

Nobody knows for sure because they have not hit beta. But…

Adding just one 5* to Sand Empire made it so that they have the same number of heros at each level as Springvale. If they intend to do the same for all seasonal events – which would make sense with the family bonus structure – then they need two new 5*, a new 4*, and a new 3* for Return to Morlovia.


Definitely a good idea to save EHT for seasonal events. There is almost no reason to use EHT outside of seasonal events, in my opinion.

I can see if you literally have no heroes to work on, and are missing some S1 heroes, and have already exhausted your TC 20 pulls looking for someone to work on.