Saving EHT's for Sand Empire?

I never realized they were chess pieces either. Lol

Definitely Sand Empire because:

  • You have a shot at non-S1 hero
  • Assuming it gets the same treatment as Springvale, there should be new heroes and most importantly improved summon odds, meaning better probability of getting 5* for your EHTs.

There should be new heroes. I think it was in the sneak peak 2020 when they announced new heroes for all seasonal events.

For what it’s worth, we haven’t seen anything to do with Sand Empire in Beta yet.

IF they are aiming at standardizing the number of heroes in each family, based on the Springvale complete family, Sand Empire will be getting only 1x new 5* hero.

Already have:
5* - Yunan & Rana
4* - Jabbar & Gafar
3* - Arman & Hissan

But I agree with above posters… Unless you NEED a S1 hero now, you may as well wait for the CHANCE at a non vanilla hero.

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Knowing how hard it gets to beat defenses with a maxed Rana or Yunan, I’ve been lusting after both since last July. I suspect this may be my LUST year for the Sand Empire! I lust for Rana, and I lust after Yunan. Please, forgive me for my sins, oh Great One!


So… having 16 EHTs by now, my question is: Should I use them this month or rather wait until july. Or in other words: Which HotM do you find to be less underwhelming?

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If thats the question the answer is obviously Raffaele, he is not a top notch hero, but 5* healers are good to have, Noor is looking totally useless as of now. If the question is should you use your tokens at all, well it depends on your roster. I have Telly so i dont need Yunan, i also have Gafar, who is the better 4* from the event and have 2 Raffaeles already so maybe i will save my tokens here.


Honestly, you might want to save your EHTs until October. There should be 4 new heroes added to Morlovia (two 5s, one 4 and one 3), and there’s a decent chance the HotM will be better than either Raff or Noor.


In most colours I have enough heroes to level anyway. Still missing Gafar, which would be one reason to pull for me. Also would like to have Rana just for the sake of owning the hero to the avatar I am using :laughing: I know that’s not a valid reason to summon, especially as I don’t really need any yellows currently. But still, I like her.

This is my thought currently. The only hero I kind of want from Sands is Gafar b/c I don’t have a fast speed purple 4star hero yet. I have Telluria & Heimdall so I’m not sure I would get much use out of Yunan. I mean I obviously wouldn’t mind getting Rana or Roc but it’s a shame how much Roc got nerfed from his original form.

Is there already info on the supposed 4 new Halloween heroes? Is it in beta already?

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My personal opinion: The upcoming HOTMs aren’t worth chasing after (especially after the level set by Telluria, Vela, Clarissa…). If I were in your position, my decision making criteria boils down to: "should I try for a Sand Empire Hero or should I save these tokens for Morlovia or Christman.

In fact, I am in your position with 15 saved EHTs so far. And I’d love to have a sand empire hero. So, I’ll use my EHTs in the hopes of pulling a Rana during this sand empire event.
If I happen to get a HOTM during this process, I’ll be happy. If not, I won’t be sad anyway… :slight_smile:

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Wow. 4 new heroes?? Can someone confirm whether this is true. If yes, my pulling decisions for this year are likely going to change. :grin:

I agree, that’s why I said “less underwhelming”… The HotMs wouldn’t be the reason to pull, but asking myself which one would be at least a little bit useful.

It appears to be that all seasonal events are going to have the same amount of 5* / 4* / 3* heroes. Because Sand Empire already has so many, only one new hero is being added. Since Morlovia has so few it’s expected to get more new heroes. Afaik, this has not been officially confirmed but comparing Sprinvale to Sand Empire indicates that.

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Personally, since I have no Sand Empire heroes, I will try my 14 EHT for that event but during July 1st, so I have the chance of the new HOTM. I already got 2 Raffaele from free coins and a costume key, so… don’t need more of him lol.

Will Sand empire extend into July?

Yes, since it starts on the 29th June, and I think lasts for 14 days.
I could be wrong though as this will be my first

I saved 16 EHTs so far but it seems like I’ll continue saving them for the Halloween event, hoping for better HOTM chances and better new heroes.

Oh I just looked on the June 2020 calendar. Sand Empire is projected to be June 22nd to July 5th. Not June 29th

always a chance for HOTM

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it was announced recently that it is June 29th. They have not updated the calendar, it seems