Saving EHT's for Sand Empire?

For a f2p player, do you think it is worth it to start saving up EHT’s for the next season event? I’m assuming Sand Empire should be getting new heroes as well considering Springvale did. Or should I just use my EHT’s as I get them to try and pull a HOTM? I still dont have Malosi…

I know both the chance to pull a HOTM or a Sand event hero is slim with only a few EHTs…

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I’d save for a seasonal event. At least some chance of getting not a s1 hero.


I’d save them for sands as you say you can get a sands or hotm yeah … it’s slim but possible.
Gotta be init to win it👍


For sure it’s just the moment, but we might see new heros during sand empire, Helloween and Christmas seasonal events. I’m personally trying to save my coins even until Christmas depending on how the new heros look like. But to be honest, Christmas seems to be the most rewarding for me with chances of Mother North, Santa and Buddy.


I also save my EHT for Sand Of Empire to get Hissan. I already have Jabbar and Gafar (both are solid heroes).
The rest EHT I would like to save for xMas.

Depend on rest of roster, IMO in general universal use, Clarrisa is better then Malosi.
If I were you, I will try EHT in May, but after all avaliable coins is already used (altantis, costume keys, challange event and valhalla).

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I think the rule of thumb should be to save EHTs for seasonal events. They have better chance for a 5* and also have a chance to get a non S1 hero.
The only decision which seem relevant to me is whether to save them to the nearest seasonal event or to a later one. This decision can be postponed till you see what the nearest seasonal event has to offer.


I’m guessing they’ll have some new fun things during Sand Empire. Totally worth it to save EHTs for it.

As everyone else has said. Save those EHTs for the Sand Empire.

I’ve often wondered how come the lightning from Quintus’ Thunder Ultimatum doesn’t turn the Sand Empire people into glass? Maybe there isn’t enough quartz and silica in their sand? :man_shrugging:


I usually keep it that way: I save my EHTs with seasonal events in mind, but if there is a HOTM I really want, I do it the way @jinbatsu does: Try my luck at atlantis, costume chamber etc. And if I remain unlucky I might use my tokens on the last day of the month.

But then again: Summoning legendaries is hard, so the real benefit to save them for Sand Empire is to get a chance of getting the 3* and 4* heroes. Especially the 3* heroes are great in Sand Empire. The only 4* I have is Jabbar, but I never use him. Gafar is great though, I think

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I also did this month like @jinbatsu said. This month I did 4 Atlantis coin summons, 4 Wonderland coin summons, 2 EHT summons during springvale, 5 costume summons, and 3 Valhalla summons so far. Thats 18 summons so far; only notable heroes I got are Shrubbear, Costume Tibertus, Mist, WuKong, and Kvasir. I guess that’s decent results but I still am itching for Malosi. I feel like he will be more useful down the line when other new heroes are introduced. Also my only 5* Holy is Vivica (3.70) and I have 6 darts waiting. I guess I’ll save my EHT but I feel like I will regret not getting Malosi.
Last xmas event, I had like ~20 EHT’s saved up and didn’t get any event heroes, not even Rudolf :upside_down_face:

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What heroes attract you in Sands?

Presumably the new heroes they will add to Sands

I’m saving my tokens for late June early July (because the sand empire goes over both months, if only for a little while) so the chance to pull two HotM are possible (I was able to pull Ranvir and Seshat during sands last year).

As almost F2P I save all my EHT’s for seasonal events. Using one or two otherwise to try for a HOTM is not worth it IMHO. Plus non-seasonal all you get is what’s available in TC20 anyway.

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Sorry if I flagged this unintentionally! Meant to like it.

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I will be… Chances are slim, but Rana is one I would love to get.
Wouldn’t mind Yunan either, mind.

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Rana is Great! Lust year I pulled both, rana and yunan with very few pulls. But yunan never received the Tonics.

Will we see new heroes at Sand Empire? Do we know already something? I mean, it is 2020 and Springdale also had some new :rabbit: and :hatching_chick: and :sheep:


Hard to say, we already have heroes for all six different chess pieces. Maybe a second bishop and rook?

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On another thread somebody suggested they might go for the black set now. Or they could start doing things that aren’t chess pieces, like sand snakes?

I just want Hisan, really :pleading_face:


I never got that point that all are chess pieces… but sure!!!