🏴‍☠ Sargasso – 5* Dark/Purple from Pirates of Corellia

Too bad Field Aid wars aren’t a thing anymore. Heroes like Sargasso and Fura definitely had more value.

I like seeing maxed weird heroes though! WHC (Weird Hero Club) going strong! @Noble_Weasel



One more DEAD HERO.completely TRASHHHHH

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I got him from retraining camp.


I was so excited to get a none S1 hero, but he still sits at 3/70. Hoping to see him get some love in the future. :candle: :pirate_flag: (Love equals buff, not love equals a paywall costume :brick: )


İ don’t know what to say, worst of the good luck :slight_smile:

İ have him even with 7 emblems, but don’t use him. Maybe you can find a way to use him.

I’m thinking of leveling him to 3/70 and wait to decide between he or Malicna for the final Ascencio.

İ can’t say Malicna is a good hero either, but better than Sargasso i guess, at least she may drop enemy defense -54% (gambling). İ also have Malicna with 7 emblems, but i never use her.

İf i see yellow tank in alliance war, i can use these heroes. Otherwise i can’t figure out another way to use them.

I got this guy today from 4 covenant summons. Is he as bad as I read? That 4 turns -80% healing seems interesting in todays meta.

I’ll max him anyway because I have no options in purple 5 stars and im at 30 tabards.

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Unfortunately the bigger issue for many people is that he just doesn’t have the damage to stack up to many others for an Average Speed, as well as the -80% heal being cleansable.

Sargasso: 385% to one, minor to neraby - -80% healing reduction
Kravekrush: 430% to one, minor to nearby - blocks revives for 5 turns
Guan-Yu: 390% to 3 - bypasses minions & scales DD based on minons starting at -25%
Jove: 530% to one, minor to all others - -65% healing reduction and -75% mana from specials also, fast speed

Granted, the fighter class is always helpful, and if you have any other pirates, they do get a great family bonus so that is something worth thinking about.

Another factor to consider is (based solely on the portal emblem route (all left)), evcen at 2LB he doesn’t break the 1,000 mark for damage or defence :frowning: 1,766 health isn’t bad though!

Ultimately though, it all depends on what your roster looks like and how available your materials are!


Really good analysis, it is going to be very useful for people dropping by


He was useful during health aid wars, but now he is totally useless. Probably the worst pirate hero.
Ä° have him, but never use him. Average mana hitting 385% (this is even after buff :sweat_smile: ) is very weak compared to other heroes.
Ä°f you limit break him and give 20 emblems, maybe he can hit satisfactorily.

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His damage needs to come from that -80% heal block.

Obviously not great hero, but better than classic domitia or sartana I guess.

Don’t know how good that new buff would be. But it’s exciting to see them recognising the oldies again

Just got him from Challenge Event. I know he is one of the most outdated hero in the game (weak from day-1), and the Big Balance Update might not enough for him in this era. Does anyone can confirm about the impact of the latest buff ?

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If you dont have good purples, you may ascend and use at least at this event and 3 kingdom war. But you cant be that much unlucky to rely on Sargasso to complete the event :sweat_smile:

My last comment about him was on April, since then i didnt use him. He sits at bench with 7 emblems.

If he hits %415 to 3 heroes, i can consider using him. Because he has the most useless skill in the game: giving -XX% healing for target and nearby enemies. Even family bonus sucks, needs another pirate to receive bonus.

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That’s what I thought. Thank you for confirming. I will keep him as my trophy hero. Won’t level, won’t use him. I don’t have many Tabards, and I still have Bera and Turgruk waiting.

If this guy was fast instead of average could wu get some use out of him?

HA just spit him at me but I think he is going to SE… his stats are very outdated unfortunately…

I just don’t see a need for him eventhough I only have C Seshat, C1 Sartana, Turgurk, Grimble, and Morax…

That’s how my alt account got him. I did end up taking him to 80 because of the healing block. That account is primarily a great war defense, but cleanup duty beyond that because he isn’t very deep. Sargasso fits well as I favor snipers/hit 3. The healing block is huge for making sure I get 1 shot cleans. Like Kravekrush and his anti-res, they both can prevent “comebacks.”

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I got him from FS yesterday, not worth doing anything with but the artwork is good.