Roster revision 4* heroes

Dear Players!
I would appreciate your opinion, who is worth keeping from the poll.
Feel free to explain your decision. :slight_smile:
Who is your favourite and why?
Thank you

  • Lionstring
  • Juliani
  • Lexi
  • Olbec
  • Raleigh
  • Nova
  • Linus
  • Heifeng Guai
  • Villiers
  • Meadow
  • Mielikki w/o C
  • Ptolemy
  • Anton
  • Aodhan
  • Lady Woolerton
0 voters
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@Ruskin, you mentioned that You plan your Removal Service for epics, is it in progress maybe? Or finished, just i missed? :slight_smile:

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I haven’t finished it. I voted Mielikki and Ptolemy as they’re ones I used. I left off Anton, Aodhan, Lady Woolerton, Lionstring because I wouldn’t level them nowadays. Villiers is a maybe. Great special, but far behind in stats that I’m using him less and less.

Then there are heroes I don’t know what they do without having to look them up: Heifeng Guai, Juliani, Lexi, Linus, Nova, Olbec, Raleigh.

Thank you Mate :slight_smile: The Owls are always a question for me, just like slow heroes… :slight_smile:
This is my dilemma. There is a hero with good specials, but poor stats, and sometimes a good stat hero is actually outdated by special… :slight_smile:

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Quick thoughts on those I didn’t know before. I assume based on all of the heroes you have, you also have toons for season 1 heroes

Raleigh < Toon.Melendor if I had to pick one, but Raleigh could have some rush viability
Olbec: I’d need to test that moonrise strike, but overtime it’s going to get worse
Nova: red healing cleanse. I’d keep.
Linus: I just got him and was planning on leveling, but I’m not entirely sure I’ll use him over C2.Sonya. I think I’ll give him a try for the elemental passives
Lexi: I would use her to replace Chesire Cat on titans, but that’s not exactly a high priority.
Juliani: could help in rush, but rush is not common for epic tournaments (I forget the exact number but I think there are only 2 in the rotation) and then you still have to deal with toons. I’d pass.
Heifeng Guai: fast defense down is nice. Still has the toon problem though.

So Nova is the best of these based on some quick card reading.


Thanks for the effort, really appreciate! :slight_smile:

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You might want to rethink that. Cheshire cat gives a general def down. Lexi gives elemental def down. You may be better off using them together against yellow titans. If you have another EDD hero then I wouldn’t bother with Lexi as her EDD is only -44%. Sergei, Panther (Vanilla version) & C.Domitia all give better EDD (-54% & -64% for Dom) than Lexi.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Gaem Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


From the list I’d probably drop Anton because I have always found him rather annoying though others say he’s good. Aodhan I have found is only good for Bloody Battle tournaments.
I’ll have to look up Raleigh but the rest I’d probably keep. I’ll give a slightly more comprehensive breakdown a little later once I’ve finished with work for the day.

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

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Thank you Mate, any further response is appreciated. :slight_smile:

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Ah I misread! In that case I have completely deprioritized Lexi. Thank you

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Anton is great. I LB1 and it’s not disappointing. I’m using gim a lot i the tournaments and he’s on my green team as well. That poison damage to all enemies is quite good if not fails. And the reviving is excellent too.

Just my opinion


Okay, my slightly more comprehensive breakdown. Please keep in mind this is all based on personal opinion and/or personal experience

Lionstring - I’ve only recently got this hero and haven’t used him much yet. That being said he looks merely “okay”. The never missing bit seems good and the healing reduction will be helpful if used with a fiend summoner. Sure I’ll max him at some point. I’d probably keep him at this stage

Juliani - Another recent acquisition. Slow speed and only effecting target and nearby puts me off a bit. The extra damage to holy and poison damage looks fun but I’m in no hurry to level this owl. The flat damage dealt could become outdated quickly however 4* heroes seem to suffer less from that than their 5* counterparts. Not sure if I’ll commit the time to this owl

Lexi - Could’ve been a really good 4* hero but sadly is just meh. The EDD is less than Sergi, who I also have, so she’s nowhere near my must level list. Soul connection does not make up for it. I might use her in a mono purple team but I never go mono so chances of her getting a run out outside of the Purple contest of elements is slim. As I have sergi she would be a candidate for the chopping block if I needed to free up space

Olbec - Hard hit at fast speed but that’s about it. The mana reduction doesn’t seem enough to make this owl a top 4* contender for me. Planning to level but could easily be persuaded to drop this owl, especially as I have no real interest in Juliani for the family bonus.

Raleigh - First one on the list that I don’t have. Slow speed is a bit of a downside but I like an overhealer and he gives a decent mana generation buff to the whole team. I would level this one if I had him even if only for rush

Nova - Love this girl! Maybe it’s because I knew a girl called Nova. Bias aside, 4* healing cleansers are not very common so that alone makes her useful. I have maxed this one and given her emblems. I switch between her and Boldtusk as my red healer in a 4* team. Sometimes I take them both. Keeper in my mind

Linus - Got excited when I got this guy but then looked a little closer and am unimpressed. I’m just not a fan of heroes who need x amount of tiles on the board to see their full potential. I’d let this one go if I required the space

Heifeng Huai - Maxed this guy and then got Koda. I prefer Koda. Don’t get me wrong, this guy is useful but mostly for the reset of ailments on the target. If you have other 4* def down heroes he’ll quickly go to the bottom of your pecking order. I could be convinced to drop him even at max as I can’t really find much use for him in my 4* roster

Villiers - I’ve been slowly levelling this guy for what seems like ever. I like his fiends ability to steal buffs though. I have no desire to let him go but am also in no major rush to finish him. Still a keeper for me

Meadow - Now that Monster Island seems to be back in regular circulation I’m definitely keeping this one. Okay damage at very fast speed plus poison makes her seem useful. Keeper for me

Mielikki (No Costume) - I was not overly impressed when I got her but then I fought against her and she’s a real PITA. Almost made me max an owl but I don’t think their passive works for the minions. I’ll max her even if only for the mana generation buff her fiends give but only after Villiers

Ptolemy - Maxed this one. Useful but I wish he protected the whole team as opposed to only himself and nearby. A keeper for me though

Anton - Got this guy and maxed him as quickly as I could at the time but then the disappointment set in. Maybe my expectations were too high. He never seems to revive anyone for me. Poison is meh but at least he damages everyone on the first charge though that’s not the main reason I used him. Spends most of his time on the bench for me now but I keep being told he’s really good for others. Maybe I’ll give him another run out. Keeper for now

Aodhan - I run hot and cold with this guy. Good for Bloody battles but then so are all fiend summoners. Outside of that I don’t really use him. I could be convinced to drop him but there would be others I would drop before him.

Lady Woolerton - My least favourite 4* yellow healer as she doesn’t do anything else and her mana is blocked for 2 turns after using her special. Used her with Ptolemy to negate the mana block but I hate using 2 healers next to each other. I’d happily drop her as I prefer my other 4* yellow healers.

As I said this is all just my opinion and what I would do considering my roster. Your view and roster my be very different

Whatever you decide. I hope it works out for you

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


Thank You guys, you helped a lot. Dont wanna spend gems on roster space, so it was very helpful. :slight_smile: Special thanks for the breakdown :slight_smile:

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You definitely want to spend gems on roster space :slight_smile:

But keeping a roster free of junk you will never level, still makes a lot of sense!

I voted Mielikki, because she is far and away the best tourney hero of this entire lot.
I also voted Woolerton, because she is an amazing healer, that I used for a very long time even in wars. Fast speed and a huge heal is a great combo.
I also voted Lexi, because she is unique and makes purple event teams possible. An option for titans as well if you have no other source of EDD.

I don´t have Olbec, but I would be interested in that one if I had him.

None of the others is interesting to me, I have (or have had before I deleted them) most (not all) of them and would not max any of them. Although a few of them have niche uses (like Raleigh and Juliani for rush tourneys). Linus I don´t remember he might be OK, but since I don´t even remember him I guess he isn´t a must-have (those I do tend to remember…)

Ptolemy is a good healer, but I have LB2 Toon Melendor, which I find better and I don´t need another green healer, especially not with Mielikki also being better than Ptolemy, so he´d only be number 3 and who needs 3 green 4 star healers?

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