Hey everyone,
I could use a little help deciding which green and which purple I should ascend. For green the choices are Zocc and Lianna, and for purple the choices are Freya, Myztero, and Grimble. For purple, it shouldn’t be too much longer until I have enough mats to do a second, so I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on who you would do second. I also have a Domitia sitting at 1-1 that I could start on if people think that would be a good second choice. I’m mostly looking to just expand my roster for good depth putting together teams for war, raiding, and Tavern of Legends. Here are my other 5 stars and maxed 4 stars:
Purple: Kunchen (+7), Seshat (+7), Jabberwock (+7), Merlin (+18), Sabina (+19), C. Rigard (will be getting emblems soon), C. Tiburtus, Gafar, Cyprian
Green: Telluria (+4), Heimdall, Margaret, Kadilen, C. Caedmon (+19), Little John (+20), C. Melendor (+13), Hansel (+18), Almur (+12), Brynhild (+11), 2nd C. Melendor, Gadeirus, Cabin Boy Peters
Yellow: Vivica, Leonidas, Malosi, Neith (3-70), Guardian Jackal (+18), Li Xiu (+19), Gretel (+15), Hu Tao (+13), Wu Kong (+12), Gullinbursti, Mist
Blue: Vela (+7), Rumpelstiltskin (+7), Fenrir, Richard, Magni (1-50), C. Sonya (+18), Triton (+18), Kiril (+(18), Capt. of Diamonds (+11), Mireweave, Boril, 2nd Sonya, Grimm
Red: J-F, Guardian Kong, Azlar, Capt. Kestral (3-70), Boldtusk (+18), Colen (+18), Kelile (+12), Gormek (+12), Scarlett (+9), Guardian Falcon (+7), Shadereave, Sumitomo, Wilbur
I look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts!