Starting to pull what feel like “useless” 4s like Chao and Colen. Should i feed them to my other 4s?
Not excited about some heroes ive recently pulled like Skittleskull. Are there heroes on my roster that are basically not worth leveling regardless of stars?
I ha lve one compass to use. As a c2p, I want to make sure im using it wisely. Should i ascend Boldtusk or save it for a better 4* on my roster?
At this stage, when you have a backlog of 3/60 heroes to ascend, I’d say you can safely feed your duplicate S1 heroes to enhance the team you’re using.
Boldtusk and later Kiril and Grimm. There’s never enough healers in your roster.
Gobbler can be helpful against teams that summon minions, so you can cosider maxing him later (but he needs emblems to surive battles).
If you happen to get Chao’s costume I think you can max him. I like his costume that steals enemy mana.
Ptolemy would be my choice, then grimm for his costume.
Ptolemy is a fantastic healer with new-age stats and all sorts of fun add-ons for extra protection; an upgrade from belith (she’ll still be great for tourneys) and you don’t have another green option I can see.
You have tree for big def down and enemy crippling, so you’re next piece of the puzzle is grimm’s costume to add attack (and his boosted stats) to your damage dealers before they fire.
Eventually you’ll want to start looking at different compositions (especially if you get elemental defense down heroes, and for war), but I’ll suggest rainbow at this stage for farming and events. In this case, colen and chao look to be your next choices.
I’d always lean toward most recent heroes and costumes, as a general (but not finite) rule.m, due to bloated stats and often better specials, although if you’re able to spare emblems for heroes with good skill-sets (boldtusk/kiril etc), that would work too.
I ended up doing BT with the ascension. I do like Ptolemy, but I have been using Belith because of the enemy debuff going against reposite, I wish Ptolemy had that!
Im currently using Treevil/Belith/BT/Rigard/Colen for most situations, adjusting when needed. I know its a lot of healers and it takes longer to finish off opponents, but its been pretty reliable.
Doesnt BT provide the same buff as CGrimm?
The only emblems ive used have been on Treevil and Belith
You will get more emblems and resets so I wouldn’t be too concerned if they are a primary hero you use all the time emblem them! It will be a long time before they age when you still need to develop a 30+ maxed roster for wars plus you have events you need to complete to earn more emblems/ascension items/aethers… So don’t sacrifice power that is useful now and then not be able to obtain the things that will make you stronger.
Boldtusk and ptlomey great choices… Really you are going to want strong depth in each color but I recommend maxing a 4* healer in each color to start and add a defense down if possible to each color.
Great advice, I made that adjustment recently to spend material now in order to advance because otherwise my team just wasnt powerful enough.
Right now I am working on healers in each color (BT/Ptolemy/Kiril/Rigard/waiting on yellow) that I can pair with their color and go 2-1-1-1 or like my current go to team, 2-2-1.
Yellow will be the hard one… Basically everything is premium outside vivica (5star)… You might do best to save challenge coins for each challenge festival 2, at least candy will be available as a 3* yellow healer to offer some support in that color.
Edit:. I looked at roster again and saw Rekhetre, which should be helpful for some healing assistance in yellow so candy is not as big of a deal.
Tc20 is not enough odds to get you vivica alone, likely need HA10, but when I started playing I made 2 tc20 as soon as possible to get more 5* heroes… Now days that is useful for soul exchange, I actually run 3 now lol… I still use a few s1 5s emblemed, not too many.
Also what type of alliance are you in? I feel for your level and interest you would do well to be in a training type alliance with some leaders or co leaders engaged and answering questions.
Roster management is one aspect, you have town construction at this level, how are you developing in raid tactics (color combos), titan attack strategy, etc.
Once I learned about the TC20, I went to work on trying to get there as quickly as possible. I am currently lvl 17 on TC and SH, so its still going to take a while although its really more time than resources thats holding me back. I think(hope) things will really change for me once I am able to get 2 TC20s running.
I am not going to spend any tokens/coins until the festival and seasonal events around Christmas that everyone keeps talking about, as well as piling up gems(currently have about 2500). I am using my Atlantis, Valhalla and Dunes coins as they come. That along with eventual TC20 heroes should keep me busy leveling for a while.
My Alliance seems decent. A few very big hitters and one guy who always seems willing to answer questions. My team isnt ready to handle more than 4/5* star titans at this point, so I may hold on to this one for a while.
Yeah I think it’s the things you don’t know to ask about that get you, like tc20.
Also troops, are you only leveling Mana/Magic? Do you know about Mana breaks for very fast and average heroes… Things like that which many players don’t understand but are very valuable in being efficient and effective with what you have.
I do not have a training alliance, it was just a thought.
Are you saving all troop tokens for each magic tower? The new magic troops will get you increased Mana speed faster than the traditional Mana troops. Also the towers (ninja and magic) are the only time you should troop summon for the simple fact that the are added to the odds, normal summon time is 10% chance for 4* and 15% chance during those towers.
There is just one kind of troop token, epic troop token. I’d recommend to only use them in magic tower as you are building a team of Mana troops, but definitely don’t use them outside of ninja/magic, you are just reducing your odds of a 4* troop if you do.
The same in the sense that it is a general attack boost (not sure about exact numbers and duration), so they will overwrite each other. BT however boost all allies, while CGrimm only boosts nearby allies.
After you get a few tc20s there is a long journey to hero academy 10, but don’t sacrifice the alchemy lab on the way… At level 10 you can run 3 tasks at once and it is an excellent source of emblems and an occasional 4* AM (not often, just think of it like weekly 30 emblems).