Hey all! Looking for suggestions for gameplay and to clean up my roster. Including some pictures and look forward to hearing from
you all - thanks!
Hey all! Looking for suggestions for gameplay and to clean up my roster. Including some pictures and look forward to hearing from
Finish Sabina then work on Boldtusk and his costume…Rigard costumes’ soon after, you’ll have a good purple healer with Sabine. Important 3 stars - Joukahaimen, Pixie - Gunnar - C Menesses
Quit working on the 5 stars until you have a good amount of the lower heroes. Here are some 4 star that will help your game: Gulli, Tiburtus - Sonya -Grimm - Li Xiu - Scoratek - Boril - Junaid - Kelile
Hope this helps, if you have specific questions about how each hero would help you, let me know!
Huge help… thank you! I did make that mistake investing so much in the 5* that now im at a stopping point with them all. Ill take your suggestions thank you! I may followup as i look more into strategy lol
Oh what costume do you reccomend for boldtusk? I have both
I like the Original best, but the 2nd costume is good for Buff Booster tournaments. Either way, max out all three for the costume bonuses. And 20 emblems with get you the “superior skills” with for the original is a great change to revive when he dies.
First of all work on buildup 3 x 3* Rainbow teams followed by 4 x 4* rainbow teams before you progress any of your 5* heroes. Those teams will win you the mats for levelling….
For hero levelling my advice work on the following as a starting point:
Finish off Sabina
Rigards two costumes
Boldtusk and costume
Then see if you get any more S1 costumes before deciding who to do after that
Whichever heroes you choose good luck
Thats good advice thank you! So prioritize the healers… should i focus on 3 or 4 *?
Focus on your 3* first …. It’s much cheaper
Once you have three fully levelled in each colour with one healer focus on your 4*
I’d suggest
Have fun
Oh, I forgot to say
Don’t clean up! You will need all of them at some point (other then Vodnik!)
Invest your gems in roster space! Well worth the investment!
One more note
I just realised you have double-LB Berden and Waqas! Save your aethers
You should expand slots at this moment.
Clean up can be done once you have enough heroes.
Thank you for all the help - ill put some in roster space. Would you reset berden ot waqas? Waqas has been helpful for me with rush attack tourneys so thats why i made that move
Don’t reset yet! They will come handy. Once you have a bigger roster, there will come a time when you’ll realise you are not using those heroes! That’s the time to reset…