Richard w/ Costume or Vela

Couple small corrections here on this thread about the costumes

Emblems can ONLY be given to the base hero… The costume inherits the emblems node grid from the base hero

So Barbarian Emblems aren’t a consideration.

Two issues with this.

  1. You cannot ascend a costume beyond the tier that the base hero is at. I.e. if Normal Richard is 3-1 or 3-70, the costume can AT MOST be levelled to 3-70… It cannot exceed the chevron of base hero
  2. Costumes require 3x of the 3* colour specific mat for final ascension. So it’s 3x Warm Cape for the costume (no scopes needed).

For more information about the ascending and levelling a hero costume check out this thread:

Also highly recommend reading this FAQs thread. It covers in greater detail the mistakes in thinking I’ve briefly outlines above.