Red help please

Currently have 5 rings (should get 6th from Santa, I think I’ve been good) and 7 hidden blades.

Looking for war depth, then titans, then raids

Have the following

Marjana 4/80+7
Grazul 3/70
Zimkitha 3/70
Elena 1/1
Marjana #2 1/1
Marjana #3 1/1

Also have
Boldtusk 4/70+8
Boldtusk #2 4/35
Wilbur 3/60
Sumitomo 3/60
Colon 3/60
Scarlett 3/60

Was thinking max’ing Wilber and then grazul then finishing boldtusk#2.

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Zimkitty is a very popular hero for the attack buff and the cleanse.

Grazul is powerful in preventing special skills from taking effect

Elena is another good one with a massive attack stat making her very powerful for titan hits and other tile damage situations.

Wilbur is worth it massively so it’s a good plan y max him out.


I agree Wilbur, then Zimkitha… :+1:


Wilbur and Zim. It’s the obvious choice…


Thanks for the quick replies, ok Wilber then zim :smile:

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In my honest opinion, I would go Wilbur (+emblems) and then Zimkitha, but but but I do rate Elena too
Good luck in your choice

Zim and ONLY Zim. :wink:

Wilbur is a must for 4* of course.

Dagnabit, all the good answers are already taken!
and Unquestionably in agreeance!
Although I’ll suggest waiting for the rings to level up Zimkitty,
or if you pick up that 8th set of hidden blades, go ahead and level up Wilbur first
I have two Wilburs (one a +15, the other unleveled yet) A grazul (3/70) but no Zimkithas. (mutter-mutter-grumble with teeth gnashing) I hate facing the ones that I’d most wish to have.

Zim is a great hero, Grazul could be great for a 4-1 stack. But i would also consider the Elena’s costume, so wait one week longer to see you’re so lucky to get it