Really need guidance plzz!

Hello good people,

Ive been playing for a couple of month now and grinding heros that i thought would be good as a defensive unit.
im still learning the lingo, positioning, etc etc. still dont understand everything tho lol.
like how your defense team attack an attacker. who shoots their first shot etc.
anyway thats a topic for a different day.

my question today is… I would like to ask if ya’ll can help me by selecting my defensive team and then an attacking team (the one i play with). i know attacking is subjective to whom im about to fight, but a general pick would be great.

Currently i have on defense:
Left Mother North costume
Winifred - Tank

but anyway… here is my heros

Thanks in advance everyone

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If i remember this post tomorrow when im not drunk i will respond


well, in this case you not really drunk today :rofl:

My double vodka cokes challenge your statement

Hi FranMan, when composing a team to attack a defense you basically have to keep into account how to neutralize the key components of the defense while keeping alive enough heroes to win.

Against a overhealer you should bring at least a hero focused on dealing the highest amount of damage to a single target, against buffing opponents you could find useful bringing buff blockers and so on.

For your defense I suggest you to work on these heroes:

Morel, Guardian Panther, Winidred and Serendite.

They are very valuable and can work with everything. If you have recently started remember to level 3* and 4*, they are faster to level and will open you new ways to earn emblems, ascension materials and other rewards.


Must we send a search and rescue party? Its been 3 days hahaha

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Thanks a lot for the advise. Who would you choose for a 5th and positioning of said heroes?
Winifred is almost maxed, panther and serendite is getting there slowly.

I would add a healer to them, yellow could be a better choice but given your heroes I would say Mother North.

Vivica maybe?
How would you position the stack?
Thanks for helping me

Or maybe Aramis? Or Guinevere?

Mother North - Morel - Guardian Panther - Winidred - Serandite on a raid defense with reverse V formation would be my choice

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Mother North on defense, except for rush is a good tile dump from my point of view. Aramis is one of top defense heroes/ tanks now.

For regular formation I would advise Morel - Guardian Panther - Winifred - Aramis - Xiaotou. Serandite is also very good, but the charge speed of Ninjas may be unreliable often enough.

Another option would be Guardian Panther - Morel - Aramis - C. Poseidon - Winifred

Thanks for this…
So MN in def team
And the stacks mentioned below is for attack?
Why Morel & not C. Finley ?
I only have original Poseiden, play him?

Cant change formation yet. But will definitely try your suggestion

When you take part in wars watch for teams with healers on the wing (excluding revivers) they tend to end up alone healing no one but themselves. I put my cleansing healers on the left flank. I don’t run defense down on defense but I would put them on the flank too, as in a V formation the tiles are more likely to set them off, hitting them with def down and setting up hard hitters on the wing.

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It was a lot of vodkas…

I think you have had quite a few answers on defense (plus I don’t really enjoy looking at defenses that much). You have so many good options for attack though. One possibility would be G Panther, Aramis and Belladonna as a purple stack and 2 off color healers to support them. It is not exactly a 3 stack kill team but Iwith those buffs and debuffs and some tiles you are definitely killing someone. And I think this team it will be able to handle almost any scenario thrown at it.

One thing I would suggest is not to level so many heroes at the same time. Focus on your main attack team, bring them to max. Then you can start levelling up one hero at a time until it gets to a functional level (e.g. 3/70 for a 5*) before deciding whether to proceed or to move on to another hero.


I take it heroes with fast mana and hit power on the wings?

I personally prioritise my attack options over my defence. That way I can better handle the opposing defences my defence pits me against. I haven’t even changed my defence in two years now.

C.Finley and Ariel are awesome on attack for me.

Also don’t ignore your 4* heroes. Some can be very useful for a long time.

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