Do Ranvir and Boldtusk buffs stack
Yes they do. Ranvir also stacks with battle items increasing attack.
This is true, and a highly useful observation — but for the context of this question it’s probably worth also pointing out that Boldtusk and Battle Items increasing attack don’t stack with each other.
Also linking this for reference: 📑 Status Effects (Buffs and Ailments) and Stacks - Dead topic see link in post #190
Also Khiona doesn’t stack with battle items or Boldtusk/Gadeirus/Kiril etc. attack buff.
Wu/Ranvir/Tarlak stack with other attack buffs, although Tarlak only up to 160% so it’s a bad idea to stack Tarlak with Wu/Ranvir.
Boldtusk and WuKung stack. I was wandering did Ranvir do the same
Yep, they do! 20 chars
Does ranvir and tarlak stack? I was told I might be better off running mono green against blue titans and not using ranvir @zephyr1