Raid tournament opponent selection

I have been wondering how our initial raid tourney opponents are selected. Maybe I missed it somewhere but, is it similar to war in the TP of top legal heroes? Your very first opponent is worth X points, a win and 2nd is usually worth a few more ect.

If I win my first 5 to 10 and have an A defense. I’ll be ranked pretty high but not too 100. What determines who those top 100 face with higher available points then say myself.

Roster, tourney performance history, RNG?
Hopefully that made sense. Thank you

I think this is more or less what you’re looking for:


Deep Dive

Check out this thread, it goes into much more detail based on data collection:


Thank you! Id sifted through a few threads but had not found a solid answer. That explains a lot as usually 4* I start out versus fully emblemeed teams but that is where my highest TP at top would be.

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