I would really like to implement this guide, but I am not patient enough to do the necessary saving of gems. If we can get an accompanying Patience- a Player’s Guide to Saving Gems I will be better prepared to implement this plan
I do have a budget for myself, and now that I’ve been playing for over a year, I can see how realistic that budget is. I will also add that I had a side-hustle for a long time substituting fitness classes that I don’t not currently have. I will need to reign in my spending, and this is a good way to get started on that. Thanks for breaking down the numbers, @DoctorStrange! I’ll let you know how it goes in a year
Here’s the math I came up with according to the strategy @DoctorStrange on a year total (please note these figures do not include tax because the tax rate is different per state):
10950 gems from year of VIP ($50USD) or 10800 gems from monthly purchases of VIP ($60USD). Buying the 3,000 gem package every other month (so 6 months) nets you 18,000 gems for a cost of $120USD. Those two combined would net you 28,950 gems for $160USD.
If you purchase the year VIP for $50USD and ONLY all available event gem packages (challenge events and Atlantis) every month, you will end up with 42,150 gems for $206 ($216 if you purchase the VIP monthly). That is 22,150 gems more than you would receive buying the highest priced package in the shop in the USA for about the same price ($200USD). The only difference is there is a limit to how fast you can gain gems this way (you have to save them all for the entire year to get that many) versus buying as many gems as you can at a higher exchange rate.
VIP and the event gem packages are the most cost effective way to purchase gems (close, if not more, than twice the yield per dollar that shop purchases).
it is just a guide to show how one can take their time and acquire a decent roster for right around 200 for the whole year. the figures, be they might not be exact and do require some self restraint are just an example of ways to maximize what we felt was a cost effective stress free manner. If this somehow offended someone that was never an attention at all just post after post of you need to spend thousands of dollars in order to attain high level play are just not true, and we felt could push good players away. witb this guide people can learn the necessary patience and still acquire a decent roster while playing g the waiting game at what we felt was a reasonable entertainment expense per month. there is a 19.99 package that comes through for 3k gems not out of the gems store itself, maybe that is where some of the confusion was. it was much easier working with this model than trying to break it down obviously lol. sorry for any confusion i may have caused
trust me know the feeling of a disappointing spin as well as the excitement of a good one. at an average expense of 20 dollars per month, which is cheaper than two movie tickets for a night show where i live, the disappointment is short lived until next time.
I only buy the cheap gems deals! Iv only done VIP twice in say 6 months of playing! My sh is 20, just today putting a tc to 20! 4 days and 7 training yeah!? Kinda timed it well for AR totally by accident! I never run out of iron! Manage my ham well! Need to level my troop camp! I’m doing alright!
I feel more robbed paying insurance every month for my home and car yet have had zero wrecks (knock on wood) and no breaks in but hey again to each their own
Yeah, they rob me too. Along with the IRS, my landlord, utility providers, and just about everyone else. Most of that stuff I am obligated to pay. I’m certainly not obligated to pay $3 for another Renfeld though! That’s my choice. And I choose not to. I get plenty of 3* heroes for free.
I mean no offense or anything if you choose to spend, it’s cool if you spend a little and pull some nice heroes. I really wanted Marie-Therese from the Pirates event, but I wasn’t about to spend additional money to try to pull her. Because I know how that would go. Maybe I’d buy a 10 pull, nothing. Then maybe I decide, a 10 pull isn’t good enough, I need to buy a 30 pull. Nothing. At this point, I’ve already bought 40 pulls and nothing to show for it. I have to at least have something to show for it, so now I have to spend more money, just to save face and to justify it to myself. Before I know it, I’ve spent $200 for a boatload of feeder heroes and maybe one or two legendaries - and probably not even good legendaries. Vicious cycle. I don’t want to go down that path, because it can only lead to desperation, poverty and sadness. For me at least.
My justification goes like this: If I pay $60+ for a console game that I beat in 2 weeks, I don’t mind paying $20 a month for a game I’ve been playing for 2 years+ (and I’ve only recently started spending monthly).
I wasn’t asking anyone to justify their own personal expenditures, and I’m not trying to go down a sewer hole or whatever, assorted rants about loot boxes and pay-to-win, etc. The majority of games I buy are of the sandbox variety, and I never actually “beat” them… I’m not a fan of games that have a linear progression path and an absolute end. Certainly wouldn’t spend $60 on one if I knew that was the case beforehand. Most of the games I own are games that I can “explore” at my own leisure, and I almost never “finish” the main “storylines”, especially not when I know that finishing the main quests means the game itself is over.
I like E&P because I like building up my base and collecting and leveling heroes, I like competing in wars and accumulating loot. But I don’t like spending real world money on a virtual slot machine in the hopes that it might spit out a good hero here and there. My luck thus far has been bad enough.
Okay I’m just going to shut up now because you guys seem to think I’m venting/raging in a negative light. Actually what I was trying to say is that I’ve found a way to be content with whatever junk heroes RNG sees fit to give me with my “low” budget, and trying to make the best of it, but… never mind.
Yeah I don’t own a ps or Xbox I got a ps2 but i bought that years ago more due the fact it had dvd playing on it! As back then DVD players was expensive! Only got games of sf or Mk
Soo I don’t mind spending on this don’t go over board as I know I probably won’t get sfa
This is the only game I play with regularity. I play it on a tablet (I don’t have a phone nor do I want one), and there are months where I can spend a little more, but most months I spend less than 20. A few have been zero spent. I actually like the game (frustrations and all) and as long as it entertaining to me, I will play.
I should note that I hate intensive graphics games, and I don’t play video games. This is my one game, and as much as it drives me crazy, it keeps me sane.
I think this game has room for all types of players.