Queen Guowang - 5* Holy / Yellow from Journey family

What does vengeance do? Talk to me like I’m 5 years old


Gullin sort of has it too. But the difference between pig and queen is that gullin’s damage still applies even if it wears off, the damage from queen doesn’t

Hmm, so she loses her blind and hits a bit harder now. She looks complicated with all the anti dispell mechanics. Interesting card and powerful in certain conditions.

So if Iris hit her and then she uses her special skill, does she still do the vengeance effect because the dispell comes from technically a status ailment and not the apecial skill itself…? :thinking:

Good luck to all those making pulls.

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Any dispel that isn’t from a special skill (status effects/minions) should dispel as per usual

This was after a sickening long drought of pulls :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Vengeance is a defensive mechanism to deter attacker from dispelling the +10% mana buff.

Pairing QGW with fast team, means potentially 2x flanks will activate during that buff duration, thereby giving 20% mana to wings and tank.

Safest option is block buff. Once buffs are blocked, QGW utility is much reduced.

Next safest is Iris’s buff ailment.

Wish she still had her blind cos that blind is a further defensive Special. Her stats are suited more towards tank.


Which is why her blind is removed. It’s going to be the next annoying tank to face

Doesn’t Zynga want players to move on to other tanks ? :thinking:

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She’ll be the new gen guin if she kept her blind.

Only to be toned down a tad later. :joy::rofl:

Still worth darts without the blind?

What a great Family bonus :joy:


Her damage alone makes her worth the darts.

She’s insanely strong for sure. Let’s compare her with another strong hit-all average hero: Sobek.

For simplicity troop multipliers are not taken into account.

Sobek does 290% + 70% extra 60% of the times → Expected raw damage output = 290 + 0.6 * 70 = 332%.

On top of this add 246 sand damage over 3 turns → Expected sand damage = 0.6 * 246 = 148 sand damage.

Sobek damage output = 332% that bypasses defensive buffs + 148 sand damage over 3 turns

Queen Guowang does 330% damage to all in raw damage. That is, the same as Sobek.

On top of this she adds 10% every time an enemy uses a special skill during 4 turns


Damages all enemies by 525 damage if they try to dispell this effect.

Queen Guowang damage output = 330% + 10% mana to your allies every time an enemy cast their special skill + 525 damage to all enemies if they try to dispel the effect

So the question is: Would you choose bypass defense buffs + 148 sand damage over 3 turns over 10% mana to all your allies whenever an enemy uses a special skill + 525 damage to all enemies on dispell?

I know what I’d choose.


C killhare is like crap compared to her, 330% with a drawback. Then this queen, same skill damage with strong dispel support. And to think year ago 330% to all at average was considered too powerful, crazy times isn’t it?


Also mindless attack/mindless heal should work, she is a Sorcerer, so not immune to this.
But the nastiest way would be stealing it (Hatter is happy) and letting her allies dispell it and take the vengeance.

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W3K portal has been nice to me.
Got Erlang on 9 pulls last time.
Used 50 pulls now, but got the Queen.

Needed a good yellow tank option, so very happy! :smile:


I wonder if coding can actually tell if an enemy dispelled it. Curious if Anabelle would set this off. Not many times where you would, but might happen. Wording surely says it won’t work, but I doubt SG’s coding prowess lol.

Hello EP players,

Pretty happy with this series of pulls (it’s rare though but I have to admit great luck on this one)

Wish you the best if you pull :slight_smile:



Man. That was hard to watch.