Poll: Yellow LB (Devana/Vivica/C.Justice/Uraeus/DrakeFong)

I’m leaning toward Vivica who is my only 5* yellow healer. But Devana seems like a good choice too, because I would upgrade from C. Justice to her in defense.

Thanks in advance for your votes and any insight. All of the below choices are maxed with either 19 or 20 emblems.

  • Vivica (no costume)
  • Devana
  • Justice (with costume)
  • Uraeus
  • Drake Fong

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Dont have many good yellow 5* myself but do have Devana and I use her a lot so tempted to LB her

How about Devana vs C. Vivica?

@gcheng668 I don’t have C. Vivica on this account. I do on my alt, but I LB’d Prof. Lidenbrock over there.

Thank you everybody. I limit broke Devana!

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