Hi I’ve been looking for a review on Costume Justice but can’t seem to find anything.
I was lucky (I think) and pulled C.Justice this morning, I was going to promote a second Devana over second C.Viv and second C.Joon. Now I’m not sure if C.Justice is better off with the darts?
I’d really appreciate any feedback from anyone who has her please.
I have her at 3/70 (also costume), but have never maxed because of better choices available. I don’t know that I’d go for a dupe of anything you already have, so your situation is very different. Maybe finish Vivica’s costume before making a decision? EDIT: you already have that maxed, too. I guess I wasn’t any help at all.
I think I like base Justice better than the costume, but don’t have enough usage to really say 100%.
I wouldn’t be in any hurry to level the costume side of Justice.
Regular Justice was my first maxed yellow 5 and the big blind got me through S2 hard.However she only really appears now if I need a 3rd yellow team in war and I use 4s ahead of her.
The issue I have with her costume is similar to the issue I have with G Owl. You have to be pretty much dead and in need of a hail Mary to get the full effect. If she is firing at VF speed you likely won’t be getting full benefit, so in VF the regular is better. Costume is likely to give more oomph in normal wars, where you are likely to have better yellows to use.
I have both non-costume and costume Justice maxed, but no emblems. About the only place I’ve really found her handy is in wizard trials, where the bosses are dark, and I can stack her with some other yellows (like Onatel) for the strong tile damage. Her special damage is almost embarrassing unless your team is hopelessly wiped out. I might use the non-costume version more if my yellow bench wasn’t the deepest of all the colors, and if I had paladin emblems for her.
It’s a pity really because a few of the costumes are really good. It’s a shame Justice doesn’t seem to fall in that category, If I’d got the other featured hero C.Marj it would be easier for me.
For sure. She was the only five-star costume I got during a summoning binge I did a few months ago, and she was quite literally the only one I where I was actively hoping NOT to get her. She wasn’t even featured that month. I ascended her anyway, because she was my first five-star costume, but I regret it. And I’m saying that considering her competition for darts was Ranvir and Norns. She’s been pretty bad, from my perspective.
I have two Justices, and as good as she is, I have not fed her 1 lower hero. She looks a mess. I can’t condone that dead flesh look. I’m so close to HA10, & she is first in line to go…. All because of her looks. Sry!
Nope, you shouldn’t.
That kind of damage requires a heavily emblemed Justice and important troops.
What that video really shows is that even under those circumstances, in a max damage situation, she is incapable of killing a Rigard, whom she is strong against.
It also shows that it’s not hard at all to isolate her (and finish her).
As someone else has said: hail Mary territory.
The only real use of Justice’s costume is the mana bonus for original Justice whose blind really can make the difference.
But all in all Justice keeps being an average hero, one you bring to the fray after a lot of other yellow including 4* like Mist or C.Chao or even Wu Rong.
“If you have to max it to start considering it, it’s probably not that great”
I thought it was stone; she looks like a statue to me.
I got Justice to 3.70 when I had a lull in yellows, and am now bringing her costume to match. She is on the basic farming team with other levellers, to see how they go. Not disappointed so far but she hasn’t really been challenged. I like her, and have stacks of darts (only darts!), so she may see max at some time depending on what else comes along. Akkarog is in the same category.
Stick to second Devana! Hit 3, dispells, dtfong minion snd giving a little bit of mana to other yellows is always helpful. In the current meta with lots of bera and freya tanks a second Devana is quite useful.
If I had a second I would max her.
Second would be Joon……