[Play style] Quick ramp up for war on alt or 80%, 90%, 100% base stats or heroes not max level for current tier

[Play style] Quick ramp up for war on alt or 80%, 90%, 100% base stats or heroes not max level for current tier

Hero XP per day


Being… male, I found it amusing to stop leveling my heroes at 4* 4.69 .

… but I was also leveling my heroes to 3* 3.49 .

since the last level gave very little in bonuses but cost a lot of Hero XP, I was skipping the last level.

Diminishing returns

Grindy leveling helps encourage IAP, and staying with an MMO.

So MMO games have diminishing returns especially after Stronghold 11 in Empires ( Empires is most fun before Legendary training).

80%, 90%, 95%

A player might be stopping at 80%, 90% or 95% maximum base stats for most effective use of Heroes XP per day.

If you are not leveling heroes to maximum level, stopping just after getting the target tier and target level makes sense.


You can save a lot of food by stopping at 50%, or 75%, of the last tier. Example 4* 4.35 or 5* 4.40 .

If you are not leveling heroes to maximum level, stopping just after getting the target tier and target level makes sense.

Max level


But that is just until you have a rainbow 3* team, 2x rainbow 4* teams and 6x rainbow teams a mix of 3* / 4* heroes.

Once you have a decent roster, heroes worth leveling becomes the block. If heroes were not so expensive in Hero XP, food, and 3* / 4* ascension items ( see Pokémon GO ) you would level all the heroes you get, even the very sucky heroes. But you would still be limited in heroes to level ( even in Pokémon GO ).

So it becomes more effective to max out the good heroes you partially leveled until they are max level for the current tier.


With good 4* / 5* heroes so hard to get, emblems are a players best weapon against limited good heroes.

75% of troop loot drops are 1* troops, and there is no way to create troops on your base ( too bad Barracks does not go to Level 11- 20 with ability to create troops). So leveling troops is grindy even if you can beat merciless RNG and get them.

Emblems, and to a very limited extent costumes ( merciless RNG Costume chamber), allow you to take the few good heroes you get and make them stronger and sometimes more useful ( depending on talent matching special skill ).

So it becomes more effective to max out the heroes you partially leveled until they are 8/8 special skill, max tier and max level so you can use emblems.

Duplicates and costumes

This requirement for 8/8 special skill, max tier and max level so you can use emblems is one reason costumes are very powerful for partially leveled war duplicates ( 4* 3.60 / 5* 2.60 / 5* 3.70 ). Especially 4* 3.60 duplicate healers ( where is the yellow 4* healer? ).


Click for notes

First 4* 3.60 team

Duplicates and costumes

Base stats

Special skills

Food totals

Food formula

Hero XP

True level