Onatel or Devana limit break

Continuing the discussion from Onatel, devana or uraeus?:

What about limit break? Onatel or Devana?

Personally I find devana more useful but depends on your style. Both are worthy IMO

Onatel was my first Holy LB hero. I figured that the limit break would increase her DEF and HP and keep her around longer to stymie the opponent’s mana regen. She was on my raid defense and has done really well. (I now have Eloise on defense)

I thought about Devana, but realized that her speciality is in the debuff, so I felt it unnecessary to limit breat her. It definitely would’ve helped to beef up her minions, but I wasn’t looking for that.

It’s totally up to the style you choose, and the kind of defense you want to put out. That’s what I base my LB criteria on…raid defense.

I created a poll for you:

  • Devana
  • Onatel
  • Uraeus

0 voters

Happy voting

I have both Onatel and Devana at +20.
I haven’t got either on my raid defence team.
I haven’t LB’d either (yet)
But Devana gets most use from my roster
Whichever hero you choose good luck

I have both, but I only LB Onatel after I put her back on my defense team (with Seshat, for the family bonus and elemental link to all). Both work very well without LB, but both are also worthy if you’re intent on breaking one of them.

I might lean a little more toward Devana since it will boost her attack (which is much better than Onatel’s and will also benefit her minions a bit) and HP, which also benefits her minions. LBing Onatel is solely for more survivability, and to be fair, her whole effect is dependent upon staying alive, so there’s that.

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I have all 3 of them, Onatel and Uraeus are the two I LB…I have so much competition for ranger emblems that Devana doesnt have many, and I had a glut of emblems for Uraeus, so he got the LB.

I am in the same boat as @Noble_Weasel in the fact that I have Onatel and Seshat both on my defense, so it was only fitting I LB Onatel first. I do not regret Onatel at all. She is one of my favorite heroes to play with, and and has been in my defense since I pulled her when she was first featured as the HOTM!


Same. She was my very first five-star ever when she was HotM, and three-and-a-half years later, I still use her as much as any hero on my roster. She’s great.

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I LB Devana, but that was before I got Onatel. Onatel may have been in line next, but then I got Drake Fong (who I put on my defense). I would still consider LB Onatel, but it is now a tossup with Kara (who is on my defense). When I had Onatel on my defense, it would have been a no-brainer, but then Drake and Kara appeared.

I’d lean toward Onatel as well. As @Noble_Weasel pointed out, survivability would be the main benefit. On defense, I think she’s more impactful firing earlier in a match, which means moving her forward in the formation, so she’d need to be able to survive tile damage more so than at wing.

On offense, she can control the board and buy time for your other heroes. I tend to think of Onatel as more of a tactical hero, so if that’s an aspect of the game you enjoy, she fills that role nicely.

Considering how powerful newer heroes are, one way to mitigate that is through mana control, which to me, gives Onatel the edge over Devana.


devana, lb her will bulk her minion, u will get around 500 minion hp after lb and emblemed. sturdy and good on offense

I have Devana LB and fully emblemed in my squad, didnt know whether to do it at first as my choice was between her or Zuri but I’m Glad I Did. Defensively she is annoying AF and also super hard to kill. If you’re ever left with no hard hitters on your team and Devana stayed alive she can run out the clock and keep spawning those beefy minions till the cows come home. And on attack her dispell is more valuable than Onatels mana reduction IMO, takes care of the Taunt Massif… and dont forget…her minions also destroy enemy minions in 1 shot, Hulda/Diochan anyone and she resists damage and neg effects from minions.

Your choice but I’d say Onatel can wait :wink:

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