Ol’ Reliables #6 - Guardian Jackal

Sorry for a longer break with this series, May was quite a busy time for me :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Last time we discussed about Lianna. Topic wasn’t very active, so I’ve decided to revive this series with something that really deserves the title of Ol’ Reliable.

Today’s topic is about noone else but Guardian Jackal


  1. Did you use Guardian Jackal? Do you still use this hero?
  2. Your memories with this hero, either fighting with and against (only no costume version)
  3. How Guardian Jackal stand compared to newer 4* heroes?
  4. Is Guardian Jackal still worth using?
  5. Do you think Guardian Jackal needs another costume (for other reasons than stat boost)? What would you like to see with it?
  6. General opinion about Guardian Jackal.
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Gonna summarize - amazing and very useful hero with only downgrade that he is too fragile defensively and stats today are a bit lower to new 4s. His ATT is still very high though and the EDD is amazing at VF speed. Good for titans and 4 tourneys (offense). One of my very favourite heroes from the past. I love him.


Still Use GJack. My Yellows are thin, and I lean on jackal on purple titans and if there is a purple hero in a tournament that I need dead. I had two once upon a time but ate the other one…not needed.

A true classic that’s still viable in some parts of the game


I had 5 G. Jackals once, you know, just in case and because i love him :sweat_smile:

But i also ate some, as well as other leveled 3s and 4s i never use anymore to clear some roster space. I think i have 2 Jackals right now, one is LB1 and still use him.


Great hero. And the very fast is such a bonus when you are trying to inflict quick damage. For a hero that’s been around a long time, it still has a lot of shine and little rust.

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  • Did you use Guardian Jackal? Oh yes. Every yelow stack saw him as my star pick
    Do you still use this hero? Yes, but mainly against purple titans now with Guardian Elephant. It’s a lovely Guardian combo
  • Your memories with this hero, either fighting with and against (only no costume version) My memories are recent. Fight against him is and never has been much of an issue as he his so fragile. Fighting with him is a glorious thing if you can keep him alive
  • How Guardian Jackal stand compared to newer 4 heroes?* Not great. Atack wise, Jackal, Goldie and Waddles work great together but he doesn’t have the defensive stats to really hold his own these days and it takes a bit of effort to keep him in the fight
  • Is Guardian Jackal still worth using? on attack in a 4* tournament or If you don’t have C.Leo then yes.
  • Do you think Guardian Jackal needs another costume (for other reasons than stat boost)? Not really. Just needs better defence.
    What would you like to see with it? Only thing that would make him better is either more extreme EDD or make him hit 3
  • General opinion about Guardian Jackal. Great titan hero. Good 4* attack hero

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

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I use him on titans and towers, and because recently I dropped a comparing 5* troop to him form summon, he’s now more used.

If you don’t have cLeonidas- yes

What he said |/

Game Well :art:

  1. Yes I did for various things, he soon fell to the wayside in all except the titan teams where I still play him for the EDD. He´s rather good for that with his high attack stat (mine is LB1). However I just pulled Toon Leo and once I get all those costumes leveled it will be time to fully retire Jackal.
  2. None stand out.
  3. For titans there is none better, for everything else everybody else is better.
  4. Yes, see above
  5. Make him hit 3 and fast to match with C2Chao? or avg to match him with Bogart and C2 LiXiu?
  6. C2P titan super star.

This exactly

Jackal still does the job for me on titans, he’s my only yellow EDD. With some dragon banner and healing support (and revive scrolls just in case), he lives long enough

Don’t use him on PvP anymore though. I stack mono much less often, and he’s too fragile without item support

I think this post got burned unnoticed, so reviving

  1. Did you use Guardian Jackal? Do you still use this hero?

Yes and yes.

  1. Your memories with this hero, either fighting with and against (only no costume version)

I got him quite late, but I remember back in day people were saying “don’t even attack purple titan without Guardian Jackal”.

  1. How Guardian Jackal stand compared to newer 4* heroes?

Still useful, but kinda glass canon. Costumed helped with his survivability, but not a lot.

  1. Is Guardian Jackal still worth using?

If you don’t have other EDD - yes. He still improves yellow tiles so much noone can’t deny it.

  1. Do you think Guardian Jackal needs another costume (for other reasons than stat boost)? What would you like to see with it?

Maybe hit 3 targets with smaller EDD?

  1. General opinion about Guardian Jackal.

One of the oldest heroes in game (besides S1) that are still worthy, even after power creeping turned into power F1 race.



Did you use Guardian Jackal? Do you still use this hero? * Still use him in every Dark titan. Used to love using him with Anne. Their combo could kill any enemy a year ago.*

Your memories with this hero, either fighting with and against (only no costume version). I love him. Remember getting him in my early days with hard collected (f2p) 300 gems. Barely had any non-s1 hero.

How Guardian Jackal stand compared to newer 4* heroes? well he does EDD so he is special.

Is Guardian Jackal still worth using? if you dont have other edd for holy then he’s a staple.

Do you think Guardian Jackal needs another costume (for other reasons than stat boost)?
actually his costume needed a fix. What a garbage costume. Everyone said it was horrible. Can’t see it anything useful besides the CB.

  • Did you use Guardian Jackal? Do you still use this hero?
    • Yes, absolutely. He was a permanent fixture on my yellow stack for years. I still use him now but C.Leo has taken over as my main EDD. He is also the only hero in the game that I specifically chased. Took me four Teltoc events, and then I got him and Falcon in the same 10-pull. Still use Falcon too – actually more than Jackal since he’s my main red EDD.
  • Your memories with this hero, either fighting with and against (only no costume version)
    • I only have the no costume version but I can remember many times where him followed by Joon would finish off the main threat (back then usually Ursena or Seshat).
  • How Guardian Jackal stand compared to newer 4* heroes?
    • Still holds his own, although I haven’t finished all of the newer 4* I have. But I do still use him. Handy for Tavern and towers, and other events with limits on hero usage. And of course 4* tournaments.
  • Is Guardian Jackal still worth using?
    • Yes
  • Do you think Guardian Jackal needs another costume (for other reasons than stat boost)? What would you like to see with it?
    • Alternate use for him possibly as a yellow tile booster hero.
  • General opinion about Guardian Jackal.
    • One of the best 4* heroes I have.

Iv leveled 3 off the jackal iv lb +20 one

Sadly i dont use as much as i got © leo for titan now .

Still has use for MT all of them edd is probably the most powerful thing in the game.

The jackal will always be relevant across the game to new and old players. Timeless

Thank you @CL_Fire , this series is fun and raises good points and reminders.

Did you use Guardian Jackal? Do you still use this hero?
Yes and Yes.

Your memories with this hero, either fighting with and against (only no costume version)
Chased him and Falcon hard, in red I have better EDD heroes but G Jackal remains my holy stalwart. The joy of finally summoning him was immense. He boosted my titan scores by an easy 2x when he joined.
Early days (pre-emblems and Limit Breaks and costumes) he was so useful in wars I had four of him, only one has been LB’d the other three are all at 4-70 in base and costume.
He STILL comes to tank bust from time to time in war (albeit, very seldom now).

How [does] Guardian Jackal stand compared to newer 4 heroes?*
He does something so unique it does not matter. His attack stat is amazing even if it doesn’t stand out like it once did. He is the very definition of a glass cannon but that is his charm. Immense tile damage, an excellent special that kicks off at V Fast mana.
He is like a vintage Ferrari, not as fast as the modern sports cars but designed and built to go like the blazes. Very exciting when it works, often breaks down.

Is Guardian Jackal still worth using?
Yes, absolutely but he has a niche in which he excels and flounders elsewhere. He remains my EDD for dark titans, I have yet to get another and with LB2, costume bonus and attack emblem path his Att stat is a solid 1146 and that can go up another 150 points if taking him up to +25 (am tempted).

Do you think Guardian Jackal needs another costume (for other reasons than stat boost)? What would you like to see with it?
Need is a loaded word. Another costume would be very welcome ALTHOUGH the Epic and Legendary costume bonuses should be improved, that gap between them and Legendary is too large.
EDD PLUS Tile influencing would be wonderful. Extra mana or extra attack, either would be fine, prefer the extra attack buff on the tiles in order to replace Eset and put in another tile damage monster.

General opinion about Guardian Jackal.
Truly special hero, you’ve simply gotta love a great special that fires at Very Fast mana. I know you can mana pot the slower heroes vs titans BUT this saves resources AND makes him a legit option in PvP from time to time. Works wonders in 4* arenas as part of a three stack or mono in events.
He also electrifies the Boss wave if Goldie gives him a few boosts during the mob waves.

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I got Jackal early and emblemed him SHIELD path so he’d be less fragile for PvP. I still use him in attack for PvP but much less so these days. Great for titans too of course. Great animation.

I used Jackal for quite a long time. Currently he’s been benched by C1-Leonidas. I think Hades penalizes defense down heroes, so he didn’t come off the bench even for the mythic, if I remember correctly.

With him sniping, I generally don’t use him even in four-star situations.