Offense suggestion

Who s better on offense?
Tyr, Mitsuko or jf?
All of them are 3/70.
I have grazul and marjana already maxed.

Short answer: depends who you are attacking.

  1. Tyr as almost impossible to be killed after you have him through first half of the fight. Damage is a bit tiny, but the bypass ability is cool, great selfheal, great base stats.

  2. Mitsuko that could almost be on position one. Her blue reflect makes her incredibly strong against vela and finley, two very difficult enemy heroes, and every(!) Other blue hitter.

  3. Jf, that I like but as strong as I see him in defense, his offense damage is just “strong” and his defense debuff protection is not so very useful as you normally always try to not let the enemies fire.


Im in diamond sooooo… telly

Then Mitsuko is the obvious winner. You need her against those vela flanks and Finley wings!


So in your opinion…her reflect is not enough on 3/70?
Do i need to ascend her?
P.s. i love playing mitsuko but wanna be sure before spending the rings.

She doesn’t survive long enough at 3/70 IMO.

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Mitsy will pair well with Grazul to knock out those Tellytubbies.


Thanks everyone for the feedback … Much appreciated

Currently I max out JF for defense. After that goes grazul and then its maybe mitsuko.

I know many people will rage against my opinion, but mitsuko is playable at 3 70. Her damage is just meeeh even maxed, but reflect and manacontrol is just awesome.

I dont mind that she goes down quite quick, she just needs to fire once, I activate blue hitter(s) and thats it.

While marjannas, tyrs, JFs and so on have to be maxed to have enough damage output, mitsuko is okay on 3 70 (yes, better maxed but materials are really rare)

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Just an update…i ascended mitsuko and she is currently maxed…i dont regret it one bit.
She is awesome against the so many blue flanks ruling diamond and compliments well with the rest of my roster.
Gonna wait july hotm to decide my next red hero to max…gonna be either her or tyr or jf.
Thanks everyone for the constructive feedback.

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I didn’t feel like opening a new topic since the question is pretty much similar.
This is my red roster

Is a second marjana superior to kestrel?
Would leveling jf be beneficial to my red roster?

Depends on what you want them to do. I had a similar issue when I obtained 2 Evelyns. I did max the first and kept the second at 3/70, both used in every wars for my 2 monogreen teams. Still wants an Almur for me to justify not maxing ascending my 2nd Eve as ascension mats rarely come by. But if I have hoarded enough tonics, maybe I’ll give some to her if I am able to hoard several more tonics. Right now, my 13 tonics are reserved for either or both Lady Locke and Ratatoskr (I am disillusioned already getting Kadilen’s costume and Frigg).

If for war and for a second team for red stacking whether mono or 3-2 attack setup, you may get 2nd costumed Marjana to 3/70 and have your Kestrel maxed to benefit from your 2nd costumed Marjana’s elemental defense debuff. Be reminded that 3/70 Marj already benefits from the costume bonus if the costume version is leveled. I miserably failed getting her costume a few days ago so take that with a grain of salt.

Ahhh. Jean Francois is not a bad hero. Whether he is beneficial or not depends on the player owning such hero and the applicable role such hero is designated to function. For any hero to be truly effective and efficient, it depends on whether the hero is fully maxed or maxed only in the previous tier of ascension. Moreover, you also need to contend on the emblems since talents play a vital role on the hero usability. I have my Jean Francois maxed, but out of the 7 fire legendaries I have maxed, he does not see action in any facet of the game. But that will change soon once I have maxed my Kestrel as they will form the 3rd monored team I have in mind for wars.

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I was thinking of using them in my mono red raid team…
Jf won’t benefit from marjana costume debuff so he is probably the least desirable…
Kestrel and another costume marjana to DMG on top of the first elemental debuff sounds more effective.
Kestrel looks like the good choice for variety but at the same time stat wise and skill wise Marji looks like the better hero, either with costume up or even normal marji with only costume bonus. Although it bothers me to level much of the same.
That’s why i was wondering if it was worth it…