No ideas, levelling paralysis, help!

So I have no idea what to level up among my 5*s.

Here’s the situation:
What I have:

Blue: Ariel, Miki, King Arthur, Richard
Green: Gregorion, Alberich, Kadilen, Elkanen
Yellow: Justice

Blue: Magni, Isarnia
Green: Lianna, Morgana
Red: Gravemaker, Elena
Yellow: Ranvir, Vivica
Purple: Kunchen, Obakan

At lvl 1:
Blue: Magni x3, Isarnia x2, Richard
Green: Elkanen x2, Margaret, Lianna
Red: Elena
Yellow: Ranvir

My defense team: Lianna, Gravemaker, Kunchen, Magni, Ranvir (all emblemed at 7 or 6)

I have materials to ascend one yellow, one green and one blue. Should I go for Ariel or Miki or Arthur? 2nd Magni maybe? And the greens: Alberich or Elkanen? Or Margaret? 2nd Lianna is nice too. Greg? What about Justice? Wait for a better yellow or go with her? Or ascend second Ranvir? I am paralysed and out of ideas. Maybe I should wait for better options? I just don’t know

In my honest opinion, I would go with : Justice, Ariel and Alberich


I agree with @JGE
try to get as much depth as you can

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Alberich 1000%

You should wait for a better holy hero. Justice is not worth the darts.

Blue is the hardest choice. Ariel is fantastic but you will have 4 5* healers. What titans are you fighting? If they are 11*+ you will need Miki at 4-80 so that he doesn’t get oneshot. Arthur is also a great hero but you should ascend him after Ariel and Miki.

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I would say Alby and King Arthur

wait for Neith

D: Alby GM Kunchen King Arthur Ranvir


Miki and alby. Do those now. You won’t regret

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I would also take Alby and Arthur. For yellow wait, kunchen is great tank. no need for justice right now…


Alby Arthur, wait for Joon, jackal or posidean. (Sp)

Your defense is good ramp up attack and titans

Thanks for your help, I am fighting 9 and 10* titans. I will go with Alby and wait for a better yellow hero. As for blue, I am not sure. Miki or Arthur you say. I will probably ascend Arthur, but really Ariel is so tempting :slight_smile: