At lvl 1: Blue: Magni x3, Isarnia x2, Richard Green: Elkanen x2, Margaret, Lianna Red: Elena Yellow: Ranvir
My defense team: Lianna, Gravemaker, Kunchen, Magni, Ranvir (all emblemed at 7 or 6)
I have materials to ascend one yellow, one green and one blue. Should I go for Ariel or Miki or Arthur? 2nd Magni maybe? And the greens: Alberich or Elkanen? Or Margaret? 2nd Lianna is nice too. Greg? What about Justice? Wait for a better yellow or go with her? Or ascend second Ranvir? I am paralysed and out of ideas. Maybe I should wait for better options? I just don’t know
You should wait for a better holy hero. Justice is not worth the darts.
Blue is the hardest choice. Ariel is fantastic but you will have 4 5* healers. What titans are you fighting? If they are 11*+ you will need Miki at 4-80 so that he doesn’t get oneshot. Arthur is also a great hero but you should ascend him after Ariel and Miki.
Thanks for your help, I am fighting 9 and 10* titans. I will go with Alby and wait for a better yellow hero. As for blue, I am not sure. Miki or Arthur you say. I will probably ascend Arthur, but really Ariel is so tempting