No compasses

I have been playing this game for 6 months or so and have only received 1 compass. It was from a quest. Is it normal for compasses to be so elusive? I cannot ascend my hero’s. I’m very frustrated. Please help.


They will become more common while killing stronger titans. I also suggest you to build teams to complete events and rare quests.


We are fighting 9* and 10* titans FraVit93. I would love to build a better team but I can’t ascend any hero’s without the compasses so thank you for the advice but I am already doing, trying to do, everything you suggested. Have other suggestions? I’ll try anything! Lol.

On events you win compasses most of the time. Did you never complete an epic event?

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Try and complete rare quests, complete gem quests and use gems to skip the wait time on monster/raid chests (you get 3 skips per day) to get elemental chests more often, Use battle items on titans to score better.

Those would be the things I would focus on.


No sadly have not won an epic event. =(

Ok thank you K and Maa. Looks like I need to put cash into the game to get some gems and more 5* hero’s to win these events. Thanks everyone.

You do not need 5* heroes to finish events. A good set of 4s will do.First event I finished I had only one 4 ascended to last tier, for I did not have gloves for a lot of time, then they started coming.


When OP asked if this was normal, I had to chuckle. Morgarious, random means there is no normal.

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There’s a compass for completion of the guardians EPIC tier right now. You just have to complete it to get the reward the top 100 rewards and stuff is different. Also farholme quest has alternating compass and gloves.


No need mondy. I completed my first epic event with one 4/70 one 4/30 and three 3/60. you just need good tactics and items. Events give 5 materials you should always try to complete both

Rare quests give guaranteed ascension items every 10 days or so. They can be completed with a team of around 2500 or so, with color stacking and battle items.

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Compasses I can find but I have the same issue getting telescopes

I always seem short on compasses as well. I’ve got 5 heroes waiting on level 60 right now, 6 have ascended past it. When you get elemental (color) chests, make sure to only do mini-boss levels to fill those chests. Doing it that way usually gives a much higher rate of return of 3* and 4* ascension materials.

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I can confirm this! You can finish the legendary with not maxed 4 stars and 5 stars, or with just 4 stars. Yes you’ll need a lot of items for last several levels and extension for the last, maybe two :smiley:

It took me like 40 minutes for the legendary grimmforest and I’ve used combo of this: Grimm 3.60, Sabina 3.60, Alasie 2.50, Wu Kong 4.42 | end Horghall 3.33 | Tiburtus 3.49 + revive scrolls, miracle scroll, extending with gems x2, axes, bombs, bear attack

For guardians, it was like 15 minutes and just one extension, and this heroes: Wu 4.65, Tiburtus 4.30, Sabina 4.50, Scarlett 4.50, Lancelot 3.60

Epic was easy to finish with this last team, in fables it was also somewhat tricky… I used almost the same heroes, since that’s the best I had :smiley:


Riposters (Boril/Cyprian) @ 3/60 along with a healer or two will get you past the monthly challenge final levels @4*. Bring heal potion, l
Tons of mana to keep them charged, antidotes if necessary, and revive scroll just in case. Slow going, but effective. Make them beat themselves with their hard hits.

Agreed, every challenge event so far I’ve been able to complete Legendary tier with my standard 4* raiding team and items tailored to the event bosses. For example:

The other posters have mentioned the rare quests and monthly events. If you have challenges beating them you can ask for some strategy help with your specific teams. There’s also some great threads on the forum to help you learn some good general tactics. And Compasses do exist. Two of them showed in my ice chest today. Someday you’ll laugh when you realize how many compasses and gloves you’ve collected. :smile:

Thank you everyone. Very helpful. =)