I am debating my next dark project and thought i’d ask the forum for your thoughts.
Which of this lot would y’all give the next set of tabards to?
For a bit of roster context, i dont “need” any of them to fill a hole in my dark teams and i feel like most of them offer something worthwile, so i’m just seeking input
Thanks in advance for any input.
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Beta is probably the smartest choice, but Lu Bu, lemme tell ya, that dude is a monster in Rush and fun as hell to play with.
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The buff blocking fiends!. My issue with bera, freya & LuBu is that they wont unseat the 3 headed monster of Ludwig, Charon, and Alfrike as my war tank. But Bera/Freya are absolutely murderous paired w/ Arco and LuBu is a near perfect partner for Matilda.
Welp, just pulled Waterpipe on a single token pull. Changes the calculus. This just became a Freya/Bera conversation…
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Thes just became viable teams…
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If it’s your raid defense team then I’ll go with Freya bcz she is good with other minion makers