Who gets my Tabbards?

Here is my purple roster, not including my maxed proteus, Rigard-C, Tibs-C and Cyrian.

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Bera looks like a superb partner for Freya.

Mok is useful.

Kunch is looking stale with cRigard in town.
Obakan is a glass feather-cannon.
Grimble is exceptionally niche.


My choice would be Bera for the reasons @BubblesUK explained.

Definitely go with Bera.

Another vote for Bera. I find the prospect of running her and Freya together really fun. Too bad I have neither!

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Bera! I got her today as well, hoping to get lucky with Freya eventually.

Solid advice already given here, I’m in agreement. :nerd_face:

Hope you’ve been well btw @Aabbott21 :slightly_smiling_face:

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