Hi I have finished working on my purple hero and now have dilemma who to start next. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Or shall I wait for better option
try going for zulag first.
you may also want to upgrade cyprian for emblem quest
I’d go costume Renfield. The Onatel like mana steal is great. You don’t have too many better options for the time being.
Do you hav Sabina costume??!
If yes, sabina straight away. :).sorry, seems like you dont hav sabina costume.
I will say wait.
If you desperately need one, then sharky is the better option for events. But still tabbaards are hard to get.
No since there is no costume icon for her. See her versus Tyrum or Rigard for example.
Renfield and his costume, definitely. I’d be inclined to get Sabina up to 3.60 so she’ll be ready to move on if/when her costume turns up; meanwhile she can be useful for things like lower Tavern/Ninja events, or just max her if you have spare trap tools burning a hole in your inventory (I’m guessing you don’t, or Cyprian and/or Stonecleave would already be at 4.70).
I don’t have any strong feelings about the 5* but I have a shark and I’m looking forward to working on it just because… shark innit?
Thank you! I was thinking more towards mokar as well just because he looks like quite fun for my mono. Appreciate all replies will work on both Reinfield and shark!
It depends on whether you plan on pulling S4 or not. If you are then i suggest wait before you use any 4* mats, who knows, you may get lucky with the pulls and if you use the tabards before that you may regret it.
I would take Mokky to at least 3.70. I know alot of people hate on him but I find him a beast on my mono dark team. I have him teamed up with cTibs and cRigard. I love Mokky.
Actually i wouldnt bother with the shark. His downside is crippling, his dmg is ok but in most cases its a hit 4 with team dmg. And with the introduction of emblems you dont really want to use non emblemed heroes in most aspects of the game but why use the emblems on a hero that is good in 5% of the cases when i can emblem one which is useful in 80%?
Mok-Arr is made for dark mono. If there are no other colours on your team his downside doesn’t exist - and regular users of him say it’s not that much of a problem on other colours either, unless you’ve brought yellows. As for the opposition, well, bring counters for their one purple that Mok can’t hit and let him destroy the rest!
I have him but almost never use him. His damage is not that great without emblems against fully emblemed teams and again why would i emblem a hero so niche? Maybe if his niche was good like titans (Ranvir) or defense (Telluria), but its not. Other heroes can do the same job and even more. For example Ursena is a direct upgrade to the shark. AoE? Check, (and it hits everyone every time). Extra dmg against yellow? Check. And even has a very useful secondary effect.