If you really enjoy rush tourneys, Afrike is really good. In six weeks, there will be a five-star rush tournament with no Holy, if you could max her out in that time, it would be awesome.
If you are looking for defense, let us know what you are using today, especially for your tank.
If it’s wars and raids you are thinking about, then Toth-Amun’s speed would be the deciding factor for me.
Quintus is underwhelming and you have Azlar, who is way better classic slow AoE. Thoth is meh not the worst and def. not the best.
Alfrike may be very slow but she fires, it is game over more often than not for the opposing team. Speaking from experience having faced her in raids and watched her devastate me cause I just couldn’t kill her, especially at higher talent levels.
Alfrike. She is brilliant and I just ascended her even in front of faster heroes as clarissa or sartana (i already have a good fast roster). I chose her for the fun gameplay, rush tourneys and devastating special.
I am also ok to have one or two slower heroes in an attack team, if their specials are worth waiting for. Alfrike is exactly what a very slow hero should look like.
I like Alfrike on offense, 5* Rush tournaments, attacking war and raid teams. She truly is a game changer. On defense, her very slow mana makes her a bit of a risk even at tank. If you put lvl 29 mana troops behind her, you can make mana slow, but even then it may be a risk on defense. I have her on my project list for leveling since almost all my losses in the current 5* Rush tournament were to teams with her at tank or flank.
I did alfrika also before clarissa - alfrika is great fun to play with - was top 1% this week in raid tourney with her at tank and most of the top players in world had her at tank - clarissa damage is just weak etc - 20 votes for alfrika - toth is just a meat shield and quintus just sucks