Alfrike or Domitia as my first fully ascended Dark 5* hero?

Hello there!

I’ve been sitting for more than a month on my ascension mats. I can level Domitia or Alfrike…

I’ve been running TC20 for some time as well but I wasn’t lucky enough to pull Sartana.0… I wanted to wait for the Atlantis Portal because Kageburado was featured at the beginning of the month.

So I have two Domitias and one Alfrike. My other purple heroes are Cyprian, Costume Rigard and… that’s it. I have a very limited roster. I’m working on Proteus right now.

What would you do if you were in my place?

Domitia was my first Dark 5* and I really liked her but I’m never too scared of her when I face her in raids in low diamond. Her elemental buff against yellow for 3 is nice but I’m probably never going to use her as a tank. She does some good damage but she’s limited as a sniper comparing to Kageburado or Sartana… And she’s average mana. The great thing about her is that she dispells 3 (I wish it were 5 though) and she has a nice costume.

Alfrike is a super strong hero and I did some low level farming with her, she’s awesome with her special skill. However she seems way too slow in defence and I prefer fast mana heroes. I’d rather have Domitia fire twice than have Alfrike firing only once. I have Telluria, Heimdall and Atomos, so I’m not in need of a tank. And I really like Isarnia as a wizard, and I’m going to level up Jean-François too. Domitia could have the rogue emblems…

So I’m leaning towards Domitia because she’s probably going to be more useful in the short run but I also feel like a fool to pass on such a powerful hero as Alfrike…

My current defense team is Joon - C. Rigard - Telluria - Isarnia - Lianna (soon).


  • Alfrike
  • Domitia
  • None of them

0 voters

You are correct that Alfrike is rather slow, but when she fires it’s usually game over for the other side. You can’t say that about Domitia. I’d go with Alfrike first, and then once you get enough ascension materials for another purple 5* you can level up Domitia. However, there also is a possibility that once you get those materials, you will have pulled another better 5*.

In use, you might consider running a two tank defense, with Alfrike in tank and Telluria in a flank. It would be a substantial upgrade from having Rigard in the defense, even though Rigard is good. However, Rigard-C also runs contrary to Telluria because they overwrite each other’s heal.


I said Costume Rigard because his costume is maxed but he’s not equipped with the costume in my defense. However, I pulled Ariel some time ago so I may have another nice Cleric healer in my defense team soon.

But it’s true that I might not really need a healer as a flank.

I don’t have Alfrike but a slow hero should not be your first 5* except maybe MN or Alby.

Finish Proteus, then keep working on your 4*.

Good luck in Atlantis, Kage is a fun hero.

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Yes, I’m looking forward to max Tiburtus sometimes soon

Try for Clarissa this Valhalla. If you will not be lucky, I suggest to wait.

But if you have Domitia costume - I would go with Domitia.

For Alfrike - she is a beast, but only when she fires. But most times her fire cannot change outcome, I think.

I don’t have Clarissa and Costumed Domitia yet… that would be a game changer because I could then have a fast mana dark dispeller (with my troops and the mana bonus). I’ll wait some more for now

Ok, so basically it’s 50-50 according to the poll now! i’m not the only one being conflicted right now it seems! Everything would be easier if it was Seshat instead of Domitia I guess. Thanks everybody for your answers!

Ok no clue what goes wrong here.

Don’t get fooled. Alrike has very slow mana but she is a powerhouse. Average mana may be an advantage for raids/war but even there Alfrike has her place. She will rule upcoming 5star rush attack tournaments.

Plus ascending Alfrike will help you greatly to finish off any quest/challenge events as slow mana is less off a problem with mana potions. Her mana controll will help you immeasurable.

Edit: just to add one more point
This is just from a gameplay perspective. If you love Domitia for any no logical reason don’t let reason stop you from ascending her

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Alfrike will destroy the opposition if she fires, Domitia will not. She may be very slow, but she is a beast. In a rush attack tourney she will be unstoppable.


I get your point about the very slow mana but to me Alfrike is the only hero in the game worth of this speed. She is insane.

When you say

I’d rather have Domitia fire twice than have Alfrike firing only once.

I strongly disagree. If Alfrike fires once half of the other team could be completely incapacitated. While it’s not ideal to have your first maxed 5* be very slow, I do think Alfrike is the only exception to the rule.

Domitia is decent, but you can eventually get Sartana from TC20 and she’s definitely better.

Another vote for Alfrike. She’s too much of a powerhouse to ignore. She’ll be a great tank for war (if you use darks), amazing in events/maps, and a show-stopper in offensive raid teams. Stick her next to a mana booster like Brynhild and she’ll fly!

I even have Ariel… This might be an interesting def team : Joon - Alfrike - Telluria - Ariel - Lianna…

It’s a bit hard to decipher, but from the way you’re talking about your roster it sounds like NOT a five star is the best option.

Like when you say you have Cyprian and Costume Rigard, it isn’t clear if they’re maxed or not.

Regardless, you do say you’re working on Proteus - THERE IS NO REASON TO MAX ANY FIVE STAR AHEAD OF HIM (in your current situation). They make finishing events way way easier.

Do that, make sure you have the other essential purple four stars (Rigard, Tiburtus, Sabina at a minimum), then revisit this question.


You’re right. I’d just like to have a defense team to keep me from going back to platinum and a good war defense to help my friends in the alliance. Cyprian and Rigard are maxed (Cyprian +1 and Rigard +19) and I have Renfeld and Balthazar maxed. My Domitia is at 3.70 (and the tabards were initially reserved for her) but Alfrike is still unlevelled. My Proteus is in his 3rd ascension. I already have maxed Melendor, Caedmon and Sonya so I might pass on Sabina for now. I have Gormek and Isarnia for def down but Tiburtus would be interesting to have.

My plan is : Proteus > Tiburtus > Alfrike 3.70 > Domitia or Alfrike to max.

If I’m lucky enough I might be able to have enough time for another set of tabards after I maxed Tiburtus. And during this time I might finally pull Sartana (although I’m not planning on summoning a lot, mainly using the training camp).

Thanks for your ideas!

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Yikes ! Disagree on that one.

A friend of mine has alfrike on 3 70 and her damage is really crazy because of 5 times.
With her speed she wont fire while the enemy tank is alive.

But the later she fires, the more safely her 5 cubes hit every enemy.
I think with emblems, her damage will really be outstandig. And her survivability is with a load of defense also great.

Domitia isnt strong enough to make oneshots. She is okay.

Like some others like @IvyTheTerrible here mentioned. Focus on maxing your 4 stars, as they are much faster an easier to bring up.

Ah and one last call: try brynhild or other manapushing heroes aside of alfrike. As very slow hero she profitates heavily and should be anywhere between average and slow with active buff. Surely no enemy team can survive two alfrike specials without being totally crippled.

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Yup I think from now on I won’t try to compare heroes if I haven’t levelled both to 3.70 at least! I think I might rebuild my team around Alfrike with everything you say about her.

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I initially voted Domitia, but after seeing the rest of the thread, I agree with @IvyTheTerrible. Starting Alfrike from scratch is going to put you WAY behind on roster development, if you haven’t already maxed staples like Tiburtus and Sabina. Maxing a five-star takes a TON of time and feeders. I understand wanting a better defense team, but in the long run, the roster depth and variety of skills you can deploy by maxing four-star staples will be more advantageous. I have yet to finish maxing my Sartana, because after I gave her tabards, I drew Rigard’s costume, Tiburtus’ costume, and Proteus. Those all level way faster, so Sartana went to the back burner. Just now bringing her into the 4^50-something range after finishing those projects.

By herself, she isn’t super scary, but if you can mix her in with some defense down and attack up, she can be lethal. My purple stack is Costume Rigard, Tiburtus, and Domitia, for example. It’s pretty nice.

I do, and she keeps me in low diamond most nights. She’s not an ideal tank, for sure, but I flank her with Poseidon and Onatel for some yurple synergy. You can do worse, especially with some investment in the evade talent. Which brings me to…

Do you know how crowded the field is for wizard emblems? You have Proteus, who you basically have to emblem. Then Alfrike is a wizard. So is Sartana. And you’ve already mentioned Isarnia and JF. Who is actually going to get your wizard emblems?

By contrast, the competition for rogue emblems is pretty sparse among vanillas. Marjana? Kelile? Scarlett? My Domitia has gotten every rogue emblem I’ve ever gotten. She just passed +18 this weekend, and her attack stat is now 851. That’s a pretty nice sniper hit, even at average. And dispel is a really rare skill among five-stars, especially classics. The competition between Sartana and Domitia may not be as clear-cut as you think.

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I try to be patient and do the grind but it’s true that I had a bad habit of maxing 5 stars before 4 stars. For some time I had Isarnia at 3:70 as my ice hero and nothing better than a maxed Gunnar… Hoewever I was on a drought and could never get any 4* blue hero (thanks RNG!)

She can work as a tank for sure but I have Telluria and Heimdall in my roster. Pre-nerf, having Telluria as a tank and even on offense was hands down the wisest addition to my team and enabled me to go straight to diamond which was convenient for POV.

My alliance is laidback and we won’t ever try something as tank coordination anyway.

But I do want Domitia to be part of my team one day, the emblems and the dispelling stuff makes her really attractive (in addition to her looks!) + if I ever get her costume that’d be awesome.

Alfrike ALL the way! Such a game changer, one of the most useful heroes out there!