New player needing defence advice

hi, can somone text to me and help ,create defense team


Welcome to the forum it might be a idea to post some screen shots of your roster …
Will give folk an idea to help you out on yah defence …:+1:
Once yah done that ill make you a new topic so the fine folk here can work there magic


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I would consider

hanitra- melendor(get his costume done)-santa-Viscaro-sapphire

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I agree out of your available heros and the lvl thier at i think thats a good setup for now

Next yellow is a tough choice between white rabbit costume and drake and costume both very good but very different effects.

Rabbit maybe better i think , but i cant 2 mounth get final poison tarts

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(regular formation) Now: Sapphire - Santa Claus - Viscaro - Hanitra - Jack O’Hare

(regular formation) Later: Akkorog - Santa Claus - Viscaro - Hanitra - Sapphire

Tnx helpin , one question without healer , but i test

Formation how you think who center tank

Viscaro seems to be your best tank at the moment.

Hanitra is a kind of healer.

Santa is more fefense , hanitra and then viscaro.
So hard set team correctly

But i test this way

And how is better in war attack mono team or 3+2 .
Tnx helping

You worry to much about defense. No matter who you put on defense, they’ll get kicked all around the board by any decent attack team… and even by not so decent attack teams favored by the boards. Instead, try focusing on offense, build some solid attack teams and go score some points against heavy defenses. You’ll see, the defense team doesn’t matter much, what makes the difference is your attack team and (most important) the board you get.

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Tnx anyway ,maybe you want check on more defense team odhet account my family account

I personally prefer going 3-2, 2 in color strong against tank and 3 strong against most dangerous of remaining heroes.
Only 2 agains tank because it takes a long time to ascend 18 strong heroes in each color, and in war you are usually fighting against coordinated tanks.
I use mono only in war of 3 kingdoms, doing cleanups with 3* heroes

My suggestions:

  • Rigard, c-Santa, Boril, Devana, Little John
  • Rigard, Devana, c-Santa, Thorne, Little John

At least with current ascension levels of heroes.

The odher work nice but my is failing :smile:
Maybe need somthing else

Which one is better team to defence and attack both, 1 or 2 . Or suggest somthing els or better.

Take out Hanitra, she is not good enough without another mana booster or buff booster. Level up Vivica and put her with Santa, Viscaro, Sapphire and Jack O’Hare would be my suggestion.

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