IMO, For Titan:
Edit: It should be include Ares* in Green Titan.
I have create table sheets titan color, skills that apply more damages.
It based on TILE Damage:
+att for our allies, so tile damage has more values, heroes to use like BT, Kiril or Bear Banner (battle item)
-def Titan, so tile damage has more values, heroes to use like Wilbur, Gormek, Tiburtus, Grimm, Ceshire Cat, Buddy, Isarnia, Kunchen, Athena, Santa.
-def element, make more values, heroes to use Arthur/Frida, Evelyn, Panther, Jackal, Falcon.
+att additional which is stacked, heroes: Wu Ko…
For raid, stacking with 2-3 color vs tank color opponent is great start IMO, bring one or two healers and supporter buff att/def debuff def/att and mana controller.
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