As a new starter I’m trying to get to grips with the hero mechanics/stats.
Using TUDAN as the example . . .
I get that the higher the attack number the more damage and Tudan has an an attack of 167 - so how much damage is that? Is that 167 hit points against a heroes health?
And his special causes 230% damage but 230% based on what? His attack level (167*230%)
Which leads me to defence and health, I’m guessing these work together with defence reducing the amount of damage to health. Assuming that is a correct guess, how much does defence moderate health damage?
I know troops enhance the hero stats but just trying to understand the basics of hero stats.
Start with this one. Outlines how tile damage is calculated based on attack stat of offense hero and defense stat of target. As with all things EnP, there is a random RNG aspect to the damage so it will vary a bit each hit. The good news is that one can now (finally) see the stats of opponents when playing map stages.
Don’t know how new you are, but maybe this will help answer some basic questions
I don’t know if you like math, but here is an advanced topic if you are really interested into the damage calculation
In short, the higher your attack stats and the lower the targets defense is the more damage you will do. And yes the percentage is based on the attack of the hero.