New Month - New Defense Needed Please

Hi all, I am really wanting some help forming a [main] Raid Defense with what I have on my roster.
I am maxing Telluria right now and should hopefully have her finished for the end of AR or shortly thereafter, and can (will) remove the emblems from my Cyprian, Sonya and Guardian Falcon so I can bring Telluria to +7

I am just unsure who on my team I should team with her as I don’t have your typical other heroes everyone is using (Vela, GM, Ursena).

Here is a link to show my roster.

I am then wondering what you’d all suggest for a War Defense too. For that, I would need a purple tank with 1 yellow flank. I have been using Rigard C +18 for the tank, with a Joon +3 flank, and then keep switching other heroes because I can’t seem to find ones that don’t seem to die instantly in war. I often add Evelyn in with these 2…

All help/advice much appreciated