Never too many healers ? Colen vs Boldtusk


Red: Boldtusk ASAP ascend and emblem, finish Gormek (you can both leveling at the same times, 1* red for BT and 2* red for Gormek), finish Colen to 3.60, then finish Grazul to 3.70.
Blue: Finish Sonya, finish Valeria to 3.60.
Green: Melendor ASAP ascend an emblem, finish Kashhrek as you already ascend him, Little John.
Yellow: finish Joon to 2.60, finish Hu tao to 4.80
Purple: finish Sabina, Rigard ASAP ascend and emblem, Tiburtus.

There are no too many healers, you only have 4 healer and not all maxed yet, I did not count Kashhrek as healer because he only heal 3 heroes.
Optimal is 6 healer for AW, better is more because color variety and also bring 2 healer sometimes helps alot.