Needing help on who to level up

Hello, I’m new to this forum and I am hoping that I can get some advice on what to do.

I have the following characters and they all need the same item to level up, trap tool. I’m not sure who I should level up first.:


They all seem really good.

Thanks for the advice.

It all depppends of what other heroes do you have.

if you dont have proteus, then Hel is a gamechanger
if you are needing for a tank. Kunchen is the choice

if you have tank and some mana control heroes, then Seshat is a beast, go for her without doubts.

How do you know what is a tank, flank, etc. ? These are all of my 5* players. I’m working on Team 1. Trying to make it stronger. Thanks!

Other colour Heroes are the key for your questions. Write your defence team.regards

Yeah take some screen shots of your rosta soo people can give toy you some direction :slight_smile:

Edit you have

Seshat is a beast with clone squll

Evelyn poseidon sheshat zim frida

In my honest opinion, given your roster, I would focus on:
Blue - Frida And Aegir
Green - Evelyn
Red - Zimkitha and Jean-Francois
Purple - Seshat And Rigard Costume
Yellow - Joon and Poseidon
Whichever heroes you choose good luck

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Leveling project priority for offense IMO:
Red: Falcon, then Zimkitha
Blue: if Frida is okay for Titan in 3.70, then Alasie
Green: Evelyn at least at 3.70 for Titan and for other green stack, then Alby is great.
Yellow: Poseidon
Purple: Rigard-C, then Hel, then well so many great purple Alfrike, Kage, Seshat, Killhare, but I prefer Hel even 2x Hel is very good for offense, we can see Razor in youtube action.

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Thank you. I watched a YouTube video where the guy ranked each character in each color. He pointed to Hel first then Seshat. But I didn’t know which would be best for my #1 team and to replace Fraya with if any of them.

@Athena57, what do you mean with #1 team? defense team? or offense team? map team? titan team?
Or mono team purple?

EDIT:, here is one sample video what I mean, the video I start 3:42 direct action:

That’s old fighting though, but still worth.


The first team on my rooster. It is the main team that I use for everything. I’m trying to mix other characters together to see how they do. But, then I usually score really low on Titans and in Raids. That’s why I’m trying to figure out what players I should level up or put together. I’ve watched videos and have read stuff online. But it’s a little confusing. I do appreciate everyone’s help.

Great video. I didn’t know that you could pick one character to attack specifically. That is great to know too. :blush:

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For Titan, TILES damage is the matter, so we need 4 SLOT Type, Priority in order:

  1. attack buffer that stack: Miki, Tarlak, Ranvir/Wu Kong
  2. def down element, like: Falcon, Frida/Arthur/Nordri, Jackal, Almur/Evelyn, Panther
  3. def down, like Wilbur, Grimm, Tiburtus, etc.
  4. attack buffer, like: Boldtusk, C-Rigard, etc.

And the rest are strong color hero againts Titan color with high attack stat, like Elena/Scarlett/Magni/Jackal/Margaret, etc.

So for example VS Titan Red: we bring our best blue heroes like:
(1) Miki - (2) Frida - (3) Grimm - (4) Kiril - (the rest) - Magni

But sometimes we need heavy items to be save. In practice to be minimum items what I bring is:
Wilbur (for def down and survive allies) - any def down element if we have - and Miki.

Here is one of community post: Titan Dream Teams


There are a couple of ways to “know which heroes are good tanks” etc.

  1. There is a positioning guide that lets you know the optimal and sub-optimal positions for each hero
    5* heroes positioning guide
  2. Anchor Grading also rates heroes based on titan, offense, and defense. In the third category, there’s a “tank” rating Hero Grades - Google Sheets
  3. Experience

The third one takes a while to obtain, but the first two are much easier to access.


Thank you for this information. :blush:

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