I like rumplestiltsken even though I’ve seen negative opinions on him because you don’t have control of which ability goes off, but every ability is good so idk I’d use him. And triton is great, definitely recommend.
Not every. One is OP, 2 are UP. The attack is exceptional, but healing is the worst in the game (for average mana), and attack/defence buff/reduction is very bad for average mana. Idea of random features is good, but with two UP features he is just a dead meat - like Aegir.
Richard, Perseus, and Agwe sound like good heroes for e.g. War. Otherwise there will be one exceptional 5* blue healer coming soon. So, I’d say: save the telescopes for him.
I’d work on Triton next, waiting on results from your December pulls. None of your blue 5* are on my list to ascend; King Arthur or Magni would clearly move to the top of my list if you happened to get them. Triton is a powerful blue sniper that will be an asset in wars or certain raids.
I sharply disagree with @DJQuixo about her ranking of Arthur. I have him, I use him. He’s a green-titan slaying machine, the only hero with the -ice debuff. His special shield has let him shrug off hits from Lianna in wars. He’s a priority if you get him.
[EDIT–corrected the involuntary gender reassignment]
I haven’t seen rumple in a while I forget his exact specifications I just remember thinking he looked pretty good. I’ll go find a picture of him and reassess
Nope I still think he looks really good. All of his abilities are useful at any time. 37% heal with a cleanse, dope AOE with DOT, or a buff and debuff. Sometimes you’d prefer one over the other and yeah you can’t choose which one you want, but they’re all good abilities at average mana.
Probably the buff and debuff is the weakest one because other heroes do it better but 1 out of 3 isn’t bad. At least his third ability does something lol. Danzaburo just freezes himself.
These “random” heroes–currently Rumples and Danzaburo–are fun but unreliable. How do you build a team with Rumples in it? You can’t count on him in any role. I see these random heroes as okay either as a “let’s have some fun” or with a very slim roster.