Hi to everyone need more information about troops upgrades or add new buildings to keep going on the game
You can levelup your troops in special building. You need Stronghold(SH) at 10lv to can convert building at lvl 6 (forge is best for this) into barracks.
When you upgradin SH you getteimg more place for building, you can’t build “bad building” beacuse you can have 4TC 4forges etc. to take every place
I already have everything but always try to get little troops from map to build troops so take longer so my question is ?any add building for troops in future? Thank you
There have been some hints about possible changes in this direction. I imagine that they are still a couple of months in the future, though. Since they haven’t been fully announced and are not yet in beta, we can just “wait and see”.
With troops, you have to be patient. There are threads that try to predict the “best” levels to search for troops. I have personally never really gone out looking for them, just every couple of weeks, when I have too much food anyway, I go in and see what I can level.
Most of the veterans recommend not investing too much in your 2-star and 3-star troops anyway, some going so far as to say that you shouldn’t level them at all. I have gone for a midway approach: 2-3 3-stars of each color leveled to about 6 or 7, and 2 2-stars of each color leveled to 3 or 4 (for use in events). Personally, I have yet to pull a four-star, but I imagine they will be very cost-intensive to level, so it’s good to have an army of smaller ones to “sacrifice”…