My first 5 star team?

Hi all.

I have 2 fully leveled 4 star rainbow teams, bunch of 3 stars heroes, loads of untouched ones, and I’ve been ridiculously lucky with my rather limited pulls during seasonal events and Atlantis portal openings.

I had a plan for the first 5 star team. Onatel was my first 5 star hero, who I got on my first pull, and while she’s not Guinevere, I have used her as my tank from the start - mainly cause it took months to get my first 4 star yellow. Other heroes for my 5 star team were to be Hatter, Anzogh, Kunchen and Frida, in that order, with Onatel in the middle.

Now, in the last month, with some 60ish pulls, I’ve gotten Azlar and Gravemaker from red, Joon as a yellow, Alasie, King Arthur, Richard and Thorne for blue, Domitia from the purple crowd and Margaret as a green. While I’m more than happy about the pulls, it kinda made me ponder which parts of the original team I should keep.

Onatel, Kunchen and GM are all serviceable tanks. I like mana control a lot, currently I’m using Onatel and Proteus in my main team. GM is about the second best tank in the game, and Kunchen’s not half bad either. So, I turn to you. Is tank and both flank spots filled with tank heroes overkill? How to make the most with the heroes I have?

Currently, I’ve been thinking that Hatter, Alasie, GM, Kunchen and Joon (in that order) might be a decent team. The final placement is a bit blurry, tho. I like to go with healer, dispel, tank, utility, damage (or swap dispel and utility to damage too, if the first mentioned aren’t needed). That’d mean Kunchen, Hatter, GM, Alasie, Joon, which plays havoc to the color coordination.

Should any one be changed to something else, would Margaret serve me better than Hatter, to which color does a strangled smurf turn to?

If the 4 star heroes I have make any difference to your answers, the maxed ones are Melendor, Caedmon, Boldtusk, Scarlett, Boril, Grimm, Wu Kong, Chao, Tiburtus and Proteus. Unleveled or not fully ascended are, among others, Jack o’Hare, Merlin, Rigard, Sabina, Colen, Hu Tao, Sonya and a bunch of doubles.

(I know, but I got Rigard just recently).

Thank you all in advance.

Edit: Forgot Domitia.

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Hatter Ona Kun Joon Gravey

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