I would like to get everyone’s take on MN vs Alby. If you could only max one which would you do and why? And would you pick regular or costume for each?
An old thread has Mother North as the consensus.
That doesn’t include their newer costumes which makes each better.
I saw that and another closed one comparing those two also. But I feel with both getting costumes and Alby getting a family bonus, could be worth revisiting.
I like Alby’s versatility with 2 types of mana gain, but MN with insanely high res rate and now heals after res with her costume, make this a very difficult call.
Yeah this is tricky! Regular Alby has always been just decent for me, but I’ve been using the costumed version lately and it really makes the difference! Even though I prefer mana gain over mana rate, I find that the slight increase in his res rate has meant he revives my team way more often and then turns the battle around! The family bonus and bonus stats is just icing on the cake. But now with MN costume healing after, she’s a beast and probably still wins haha
Right? So difficult. MN at 55% and heal after is huge. But alby is faster with CB and FB and tile damage much more on top of mana gain.