I am currently levelling costume Joon and the Jan HOTM R&N which I have been fortunate enough to obtain (basically the most luck I have ever received in 4 months!!)
After those are levelled, I would like to finish a purple.
I think Dr. Moreau is more versatile - because he’s a straightforward hero. The best heroes in the game are those who are simple. Dr. just hits and blinds. Additionally, he’s got a nice passive which makes him sturdier.
Morax has a lot of going on, but it’s trickier to use (as lots of HOTMs lately). He hits three, but unevenly, something is done to the target, something else to the nearbys’…sometimes useful, but more often than not it’s out of the optimal.
We are comparing a mid range S4 hero to one of the mid range hotm 2022. So far so good. Even if everything else was equal, fast speed is better than Average. Morax would have to have a considerably better special than Moreau to make up for that. But I kind of prefer Moreaus special over Morax, so nothing really speaks for the hotm.
Well except if you absolutely have to have the element link/family bonus for 2022. But I don´t see how that can make up for everything else.
Moreau used to be a beast, is still very good. Morax is weak, I fed three of mine to the last Soul Exchange without leaving a single copy. Absolutely zero regrets.