🏜️ Missions – Season 5 (Dynasty of Dunes)

Thank you for the information,

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I’ll probably do a few more runs at each level, but if you’ve finished the Majestic Ammit boss mission and are only after cryptic tetrahedrons, I think is the best stage is 2-2, it is the only stage with 5 waves and also has 2 guaranteed on the boss wave.

Level Runs Tetra’s Ave.
2-2 2 16 8.0
2-3 2 14 7.0
2-6 1 7 7.0
2-8 1 3 3.0
2-9 1 7 7.0
7-2 1 3 3.0
7-4 1 5 5.0
7-5 1 5 5.0
7-7 1 3 3.0
7-10 2 11 5.5

What’s funny, everyone focused on Province 7 after seeing this quest, assuming enemies must be on later stages than jackals, while in fact almost every Province 2 stage with them is objectively better to farm.


Yeah, the way that the mobs and bosses are distributed makes me change the way i approach the missions. I used to finish the new provinces so that i get the map progression and avatars, but because they are all over the place, i am just going to concentrate on the missions first and stages next.

Updated missions graphic below @PlayForFun . I tested a little bit and found 2-2 to also give the most for the Tetrahedrons mission. Let me know if you see anything a miss. Thanks.


Good job and thanks @Zartanis !!!

I’m really enjoying season 5. Gameplay is way cooler with the artifacts than boring and repetitive effects from S4 and annoying stones from S3. finally!!!


Thanks @EngOran @Zartanis for testing out province 2! Wow, that’s a big jump

And thanks @Guvnor for your initial info too!


Thnx for testing, I can confirm the average for 2-2. Done 5 runs so far and have netted 46 of the pyramids.


Sorry, but aren’t the Hippos in provinces 7 to 9 (in fact, all are in 8) the other kind - they are the Enraged Hippos, but the avatar quest is for Furious Hippos instead?

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You should highlight that 7-3 have both Jackals and Ammits


Thx, I am adding it to the OP shortly.


Edited to reflect 2-2 for the Tetrahedrons.

Can’t remember which was an avatar :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::rofl::rofl::rofl:


They’re both flavours of angry angry hippos anyway :rofl::joy:

Since I hadn’t finished the Camel Riders (finally finished today), I “wasted” all my normal runs and have to start from zero on the Ammits. Sigh. At least my tetrahedrons counted while completing the levels.

Yeah, I kind of changed my tactics and completed the Camel Riders first. Now I’m running 7-3 to get the Ammits and Jackal warriors. I’ll likely complete the Ammits first, so then I’ll switch to 7-4 to complete the Jackal Warriors and then 2-2 for the Tetrahedrons.
Normally, I would go for Camel Riders/Jackal Warriors pairings first, but they don’t exist… so I figure the next best things was Ammit/Jackal Warrior pairing.

Edit: Just eyeballing numbers, and now I think the most WE efficient usage would be for me to complete hard up to 7-8 (last stage with Jackals), and already completed normal up to 7-10. Then run 7-3 until I get to 37 Ammits, then complete the Jackals at 7-4. Once that’s done complete hard up to 7-10 (last stage with tetrahedrons), and then farm 2-2. The rest of the Ammits will be completed when I go through province 8.

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BTW, little off-topic Udjat Eye might be my favourite amulet so far, too bad some enemies can just block its effect.

I like it too. The Blue jackal priestesses gain health with its effect but my snipers can still usually finish them off

I’ve gotten into the habit of completing normal & then hard from S3&S4, so I didn’t have to change my attacking team. Now with MN in my roster - thank you Soul Exchange :trophy:, I have a rainbow farming team and autoplay is grand! I still complete normal and then hard, BUT don’t need to change my team. Great QoL feature :wink:.

Ps thanks for the missions graphic @Zartanis :star2:


Yeah, I thought “That jackal looks cooler than the camel driver” and spent the month killing jackals with the Tjet amulet (until I finished and went back to Was). Which left me with lots of Raiders to kill. I’m up to 9 Ammits now… Presumably the Ammits will fill up long before the Tetrahedra.

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Finished the Ammits last night, helped a lot by being able to do both Ammits and Tetrahedra together :slight_smile: