šŸ“Æ Missions ā€“ Season 3 (Valhalla)

2000 Wisps of Gold. The only problem is, as of the current levels available, there are no levels with this enemy!


Auu, thanks for the reply. Seems I get to do 250 Gullinburstis then xD

Seems like we have a month to catch up. 31-5 makes me happy.


Now that Iā€™ve gotten further behind, Iā€™m going to move forward as fast as I can (without flasking). :joy:

My previous strategy would be more practical, if I flasked to farm the avatar missions. I donā€™t flask on S3 though. :sweat_smile:

Happy Holidays!

Have you tried killing Gullinburstis in raid? Probably will count the same way as Gadeirus when completing the Season 2 avatar missions but can you please confirm.


Will report if I see it!

Have to lower cups to get to 4* defenses more.

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Maybe if friendly match is implemented I shall coordinate with fellow cup dropper in my alliance to put Gullinbursti on raid defenseā€¦


I just ran into one today and yup it counts towards the 250. Thought that was pretty funny


Thatā€™s good to hear because you can somehow spare some WE. I am not sure if it also counts in case you come across Gullinburstis in Wars and Tournaments.

Oh myā€¦I hope SGG accepts your suggestion because I also hate too much grinding. :wink:

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Weā€™re thinking this is the last avatar mission for S3, right?

Who knows? They may introduce a new set next month! Iā€™m already tired farming Guillinburstiā€™s.

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so confirm no wisps of gold then?

Nope no Wisp of Gold as per the latest update. Will have to farm them next month!

Unless they make S3 equivalent of Orihalcum Seadragon to drop Valhalla Coins.

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Majed has already finished Gullin. :yum:

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I was following your advice and ran into something interesting. I have 174 Teaks and 1353 goos, but have only done the first three steps.

Quick math on randomness with limited assumptions. Letā€™s assume I only did 24-7. The 2 goos on the boss wave would get me 350. If the three waves have a 50/50 chance of 3 or 4 monsters and each monster has a 50% chance at being a goo, I would get between 5.25 goos per Teak from the first three waves. Thatā€™s 7.25 goos per Teak or 1268 total goos.

Thank you for putting the info out there for me to follow! And Iā€™ll follow your advice for the next avatars too!


Good News / Bad News ā€“ I just got around to updating the Barry Farmz Here spreadsheet for the latest missions, although I havenā€™t identified all the useful combinations of missions yetā€¦

Bad part is that life just threw me a curve ball and I canā€™t predict how quickly Iā€™ll be able to get back to it.

The worst part is that looking that I didnā€™t have time to check my numbers and it was a big enough of a rework that it could have messed up some of the prior missions. If you see issues, let me know and Iā€™ll get to them sooner or later.


hope all is well in real life, and thanks for letting us know how things are. real life is more important, cheers!

You shall mention only stage 29-8 since there are two Moose bosses.