I want to create a minion team to raid with, what would be the perfect five 5* heroes to use for a minion team from these heroes:
Puss n Boots
Mother North
Lady of the Lake
I want to create a minion team to raid with, what would be the perfect five 5* heroes to use for a minion team from these heroes:
Puss n Boots
Mother North
Lady of the Lake
Freya and lotl and noor have good synergy of special, if not color. If you can time it fire lotl first then freya then noor. Noors minions will protect the other two and so lotls will have a good chance of hanging around a long time. Freya will also greatly enhance the killing effectiveness of the other minions.
Or maybe freyas last if they die freya is probably yhe first ready to cast again
Out of the heroes you list I’d probably go
Seshat Puss Telly Freya LOTL
If you have Seshat you use Seshat. It is the law.
Anything else you can mix, match and experiment.
Seshat definitely. She’s your primary damage dealer and is just all around awesome.
Freya makes all minions better, and will provide much needed damage.
PiB gives EVERYONE a minion when he casts, plus a nice attack boost and HOT.
LOTL will lock down defenses.
I would also pick Tell for the last one. To keep defenses locked down in combination with LOTL.
@Infinite @Gregor.Jax @LadyAchilles I have 6 of the heros mentioned,
Puss n Boots
Lady of the Lake
In the lineup you mentioned,
wouldn’t it be better to swap Freya and LOTL especially with LOTL’s slow mana speed? Or is the thought that she will be protected long enough for her to fire? I ask because I have been playing around with lineups except I was trying to fit Noor in somewhere. Penny for your thoughts!
Delilah is an absolute must in that team as she heals in an instant and provides minions. Just saying…
Yes, those need to be swapped, or at least LotL re-positioned. She creates minions for herself and nearby allies; she should never be on the edge.
Ideally swapped as you said. Seshat and Puss both will fill with 3 of their own minions, meaning the two minion-all (Telly and Freya) are ideal next-to’s to LotL.
Ok. That was my thinking as well @Dan7. I actually like this team better than any combination of heros I was trying with Noor. I really wanted to see how to use her and my original thinking was a minion-creating team might be the best fit. The only question was could I make one that could actually be usable in raids, tournaments and events. I’m going to play with this team and see how it does. I’m missing emblems for half theses here as only Seshat, Telluria and PiB have emblems out of the six I listed.
I don’t have her, only the heroes mentioned I have
Since Telly and LotL are the same color, would it be smart to make Freya center and place Telly/LotL flank and PiB/Seshat on Wing
PiB, Telly, Freya, LotL, Seshat?
You don’t want Seshat next to LotL or the replicator minions will end up removing the sword minion.
IMO, Telluria is really only slated for the tank position since her last nerf earlier in the year. She really doesn’t do well anywhere else. The reason to move PiB and Freya to the wing position is because both Seshat’s and LOTL’s specials affect them and the heros on either side of them. Placing them at flanks allows the maximum use of their specials. Not to mention, LOTL is slow mana. She will charge faster in the flank position than she will in the wing position.
Thus, you’re looking at a lineup like the following
If my logic is wrong, someone please correct me. I’m interested in this team as well! Thx!
Freya Telly Gullinbursti Noor and Aegir would be a great autopilot team.
For a solid rainbow team that doesn’t overduplicate:
MN, PIB, Aegir, Bursti, Freya
I know Aegir is a bit out of place, but you will have a linked pool of 15,000 hp with about 5,000 hp worth of minions 30% attack and defense with a direct heal, res, HoT, overheal, and heal per hit. Bursti will have attack like this
Possibly not that crazy but I don’t have a current picture of extremely angry pig.
I would love to see what that Bursti setup with a Freya buff has minions that hit for.
Anyway, you really only need 3 minion makers.
Lady Athena, it always depends on the composition of the opposing team you’re raiding. But imagining a world where weak or strong opposing colors is of no relevance, how about his minion team:
@ZyzzyxRoad lmao at Noor
PiB is a must for any minion team. With all summoners, he will summon 7, plus boost attack and heal.
Freya adds some heft to their damage. MN and her revive is huge. LotL on offense is really nice, especially with PiB calling out her minions early. That mana drain each round can save you.
That leaves Seshat as your hitter. I will say that with the minions and healers, the raids can win with tile damage and a long grind, but it would be nice to have at least one hitter. Her debuff is nice too.
Keep LotL off wing so her summon will bring out 3, not 2. Also keep her away from PiB and Seshat since their minions will push her minions off of themselves. Something like:
MN, LotL, Freya, PiB, Seshat.
Alternatively, you could replace Seshat with Telly to stack green tile damage and go:
MN, PiB, Telly, LotL, Freya.
Since he is talking about raiding with them, I assume offense, not defense. If so, their charging won’t be affected by position. Also, Seshat does not affect nearby allies. Her debuff affects target and nearby enemies. She is fine on wing.
Nothing wrong with your team, though.
I raid a lot with a similar team, but not all summoners. MN, PiB, Telly, Lady, and GM. Sometimes I swap Finley in in place of Telly, and put GM in the middle.
The team wins a lot. With Telly and PiB, you spend most of the raid full of minions already. Even without Telly, you spend most of it with 9 or more.
The team is hard for ai to kill, but the raids go slow.