What would be the best possible setup for a minion team. Freya, bera, pib, liu bei, zhuge Liang, sorrow just to name a few I have. Just looking for a team with good synergy
It’s an interesting thought project, would depend on if looking for Defence or attack I think. Would also need to ensure that one minion isn’t causing the loss of a minion that gives a specific buff/ causes ailment.
I’d probably look at going with a PiB, one of waterpipe or LotL and 3 Wo3K.
Issue is that something like a Skadi, grumble, minion destruction up against it and you are out of luck.
I have played around with 3* minion teams and find any more than three minion makers and they just keep overwriting each other, or I end up with them all maxed on hold (which of course you can’t do on defence). Two (or three) with a couple damage dealers seems to work best for me. Although, I can see five minion makers working against a fiend making defence. Be a slow battle though.
Knuckles, Dawn, Arco, Dawn, Zhuge Liang.
Furdinand - Sun Quan - Sorrow - Liu Bei - Bera
Furdinand becomes technically fast with minions - provides shared dmg for minion toughness + defense and reflects any stacks or other stuff…
Also cleanses away enemy Bera trying to prevent minions from happening
Sorrow attack buffs both dmg dealers with specials
Happy gaming
The best minion team, IMO, would consist of three minion summoners and two offensive heroes.
Cao Cao
Then you could have Morel/Alasie/Finley and an off color like Aramis/Sneferu or Eset/El Naddah. (I don’t have all of those, so it’s impossible for me, but an amazing offensive minion team nevertheless.
Finger cross for cardinal Richelieu, empty slot is for him. Diaochan with her stealing minions, CR for his stealing fiends.
Arco for some annoying minion synergy with diaochan.
Penolite to support their fiends and minions. Stoneskin to further protect stealing minions, healing reduction to weaken the enemies’ healing for fiends to stay on longer. Plus gargoyles have their own FB.
Any stolen buffs will be reverse engineered by phenexa’s buff refresh. Also 5% mana boost given to diaochan and CR
Or lunar heroes. 20 chars