So this just happened…
I guess that minion team can get better after all.
Congratulations! Terrific result. (Bit jealous.)
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I’ve been looking for an answer for this question, which nobody seems to ever discuss:
From what I can see, minions are limited to three per character, whatever the type, when you’re attacking/playing, but they aren’t when you’ve got a summoner defence team - it seems that the limit is three of each type per character, so, in theory, you could have a defence of fifteen minions per character maximum?
Therefore, are summoner teams better for defence than attack?
The limit is indeed 3 per character and 15 for the full team. Some of the newer minions are so sturdy that multiple summoners is a bit overkill, maybe 2 max, you don’t want to be creating weak minions to dislodge your stronger minions.
Also minion counters keep increasing and grimble is in the fated summon so for defense there is a risk going really heavy minion summons.
Thanks - that clarifies for attacking teams.
As to the defence team: theoretically, if it was an all-summoner team, there could be a maximum of 75 minions, correct?
Enemy defence teams can still only have 3 minions per character, and if they summon more, will push off the oldest minion.
See, I’m fairly sure I’ve gone up against minion-heavy teams, and they were able to summon way more than three minions per character.
EDIT: I’ll try and play a match to get a screenshot this afternoon.
Well, kind of. When you have rolling minions. So quickly, and so often, the offense has to punch through them before they can even do damage to your hit points. And if they can’t remove all of the minions and reduce your hit points to zero in one turn, the cycle starts over, minions start building back up and your team gets healed. So it’s an effective strategy against anyone who does NOT have instant minion removal.
After eliminating everyone who doesn’t have instant minion removal, those that do have instant minion removal, still have to have it charged and ready to go, and then, reduce your hit points to zero, before you get the minions back up and running, otherwise they have to have a second charge ready to go. So it’s a cat and mouse game.
And in defense, if you time out, you win.
I have more issues with overheal than minions, minions can become a negative if you have good anti minion heroes. Grimble giving mana to the whole team, alucard healing/small mana, stacks from skadi and frank will decimate and slow down a heavy minion team. So yes, there is a risk, and the more they have the more effective the counters become it terms of their stacks/healing/mana gains.
And the charge argument works against any defense, you don’t charge your heroes you are dead, most likely very quickly against a heavy AOE type defense where a minion defense actually gives you more time to charge.
But yes, if a player doesn’t have instant minion removal fighting a ton of minions is not ideal.
Yep. Well said.
I used to subscribe to the idea that I had to build the best defense team to beat everybody!
But more and more, I realize that since I’m not the top 1% whaling meta, and I never will be. So I fall into a category of defense strategy against most, rather than all. I’m happy being top 90%.
Thing is, I don’t really have very good minion removal. I’ve only got Captain of Diamonds (who’s quite squishy, despite my limit-breaking him), and Planchet (who, obviously, is no good against 4* or higher).
Grimble from the current fated summon is probably a high priority then for you, he is one of the best, think there is a ninja now that is better cause the charge speed means a waterpipe doesn’t neutralize you, but otherwise grimble is on par or better cause all is in 9 tiles with mana troops.
I’d still pick lord Loki first fated but try for a second for grimble if you can rack up enough free summons.
In fairness, Captain of Diamonds is pretty good when teamed up with Guardian Gazelle, and he’s quite fun to watch, with the sword strikes zipping everywhere, but it’s not a combo I can use every time.
You can easily get multiple captain of diamonds at least, free from HA8… so that’s the one perk of him being the most accessible.
True, but it’s probably always going to be a disadvantage to my game that I just don’t do multiples. One of each, that’s it.
Also, going to need minion-killers of different hue if I’m going to fare better.
Won’t lie, though - it is satisfying to see a 4*, whose normal damage wouldn’t necessarily be a problem for Hulda or her minions, automatically taking out her otherwise near-impenetrable boys.
EDIT: Oh, BTW I went up against a minion team, and yes - they only had three minions per team. I could’ve sworn I saw one character with five a while back. Ah, well - either I got it wrong or it was a glitch they’ve now corrected.